Hi everyone it's been a long time since I posted. Things were going pretty good. I've been keeping up how everyone's doing. Looks like we have some new people on BOY,that are really facing some trials. Back in February i took Lyrica 225 mg evening with oxycodone 5mg. Bad leg problems. Now at the on the end of March, I started horizant 600mg at 5:00 and Tramadol 2-50mg one at 6 and one at 8. Legs are still terrible.Talk to doc yesterday, He said add a horizant at 4 and another at 6, then a tram at 7and 930. And I am so miserable. My left leg hurts so bad. What can I do? I was weaned off prampexerol about a month and a half ago. I just keep walking, stretching, ankle pumps. Could I be augmenting? So sorry,but at my wits end. Please can someone shed some light on what's going on.? I just get so tired of walking and it doesn't quit. If the walking would bring relief I wouldn't mind doing it. But nothing seems to help anymore. I don't really walk I do more staggering than anyting.i hope you all can help. Thanks so much in advance.
Ps. I hope this makes sense. I'm pretty groggy from the 2 horizant. And the two tramadol tonight. Oh dear