Well saw my doctor yesterday I was on 4mg ER ropinorole and 3mg ropinorole and 75mg lyrica today iim down to 2mg ER ropinorole and 3mg ropinorole and 150 lyrica and I feel a little more alert but manageable I thought I was going to be bouncing off the wall
Coming off ropinorole : Well saw my... - Restless Legs Syn...
Coming off ropinorole

Well done for getting this far. The Lyrica won’t help until about 2 weeks after the last dose of Ropinirole.
If it gets difficult, do ask doctors for opioids ( just for the withdrawal period).
Stay strong.
Congrats Bat3353 Take care.
Well done! Like you, I found the first stages not too bad but even the full withdrawal was OK with the help of Oxycodone (I didn't get on with Tramadol). Keep going - you will get through it!
Unfortunately not - once we've got it I believe we have it for life - I've had it since my early teens but it's got slowly and progressively worse. However there are other meds that can offer help after Ropinirole. I waited until I was clear of Ropinirole for two weeks before starting Lyrica (also know in the UK as Pregabalin) but I immediately put weight on and started having really horrible dreams so have gradually swapped onto Gabapentin (Neurontin). This seems to be working reasonably well but I have just discovered that the usual Gabapentin for RLS is Gabapentin encarbil (Horizant) so I may ask to swap onto that one in the hope that it is even more targeted to the condition.
I took a maximum of 10mg Oxcodone (Shortec) during withdrawal but was quickly back to 5mg plus up to 60mg codeine. I'd quite like to get off one or both of those but think it mmight just be good for me to take a small mix of each of them rather than try to get onto just one (yes, even just Oxycodone) as this allows me to mix and match and tailor them for what I need at different times of the day - for instance 100mg Gabapentin and 15mg codeine in the afternoon with 400mg Gabapentin at 9pm and a top up of 15-30mg codeine, if needed at 2-3am.
My issue now is far less the RLS than the tiredness which comes on in the afternoon and thus instigates the RLS. I rarely have significant RLS overnight which disturbs my sleep, which is quite a good result!
It took me 45 days to get off 1.5mg Ropinirole as I took it really slowly reducing it by no more that 25mg once a week - or even longer for three weeks when I had a hectic schedule and decided to keep things stable at the mid-stage!
I'm sure you'll manage it but, as others have suggested, taking an opiate was the only way I could get off Ropinirole without climbing the walls too often!
Take care,
RosieRow, i see you are in the UK, unfortunately we dont have Horizant here,

Hello Elisse
My GP has been happy to give me Gabapentin even though it has just gone on the controlled drugs list in the UK. At the time I didn't realise there are two Gabapentin drugs - Neurontin (Gabapentin) and Horizant (Gabapentin encarbil). We tend to use shorthand for talking about drugs and I had assumed they were the same thing when suggesting Gabapentin to the doctor!!!
I am having incredible success with the Relaxis device. That's all I use each night.