Christ this hurts. Just began trialing lyrica. Alongside ropinorole and dulosepin. Anyone know how good lyrica is.
Someone take my legs away.: Christ this... - Restless Legs Syn...
Someone take my legs away.

Hi , sorry you are having a bad time.I have taken lyrica(pregablin) in the past.It is very good for nerve pain such as sciatica, neuropothy etc.For restless legs it does help many people but I found I needed high doses to help rls.I found it better than gabapentin.The only drawback for me was weight gain due to fluid retention and this seems quite a common side effect of lyrica.Maybe a lowerdose combinef with the ropinerole may help together, What dosage are you on? I have not come across dulosepin before what sort of a med is that?Hope you get some ease from these distressing symptoms

Sorry its dosulepin. I am on 75mg of that. 25mg of lyrica, going up to 50 nxt week. And 4mg of ropinorole. I seriously would have my legs removed. Cannot stand nights like this anymore.
Sorry my battery going! Dusulepin is a tricyclic antidepressant which usually makes rls worse for most sufferers.i am concerned the very high dose of ropinerole is causing augmentation. The lyrica dose is very low I needed 300mg to calm my legs.Go back to your GP as these meds could be making your rls worse.You may need to stop ropinerole and change your meds.
Restless 1973, dont stop any of your medications without taking your doctors advice, hope your legs settle soon and you get some rest, I really feel for you , most of us have been there its exhausting x
I cant stand this any longer. Just want to sob.
Hi restless 1973, have your legs calmed down at all yet? Hope you have managed some sleep .Go and soak in bath for a bit either hot or cool whichever suits your legs. My battery went last night on my tablet soo frustrating when I wanted to keep talking to you.Ring up your GP ascsoon as they open and ask for an emergency apointment.Come backmon forum and let us know how you go on, Get a hot water bottleand fill it with hotnor cold water whichever feels best.My heart goes out to you and always remember on here you are amongst others who understand .If you want to cry then cry dont hold it in.Let us know how you are, sending a hug ,,,.kim

Didnt get any sleep at all. Got headache now and legs still hurt. Just moving around as much as possible. Been to docs for appointment. I may get sm sleep later. Cant even sleep on a bed as that brings the pain on. The living room floor is my bed.
Just been told by the chemist that Quinnan sulphate works well. Have you heard bout it. Thank you for listening.
Hi restless, sorry you didnt get any sleep.When you say oain do you mean pain as in cramp? Quinnine is used for cramp but does not help restless leg syndrome. Even for cramp there are some heart related safety issues with it, Just trying to get it straight is it cramp/restless legs or both?.Having problemscwith my device it is charging then going flat within 5 minutes but will keep checking in with you.When are you seeing doctor? X
Hi restless, i agree with p1pp1ns, firstly do not take quinine, it should only be used these days for malaria. It never worked for RLS, it was for cramps. If you are having cramp then try magnesium, that seems to help people. Secondly, the antidepressant could be making things much worse. Thirdly, the Ropinerole you could now be having augmentation. So, you do need to see your doctor and get your meds changed as soon as possible. Only then will you start to feel better.

Thank you. Going to docs nxt week. Ive been on ropinorole for years. I did try a dif'rent 1 but it never touched the pain.
Hope you have a GP who will listen to you.Do you see a neurologist at the hospital? Sometimes the really strong painkillers are more helpful than ropinerole.By strong I mean the opiates such as morphine, I know this sounds heavy stuff but the ropinerole is too.x

I dont mind what it is. Cant do with another night like last night. Legs are still hurting now, so i know i won't be able to catch up on any sleep.
If you do need to come off the ropinerole you will need something strong to cope with withdrawal so may be a good time to ask GP for opiates instead of ropinerole and lyrica.You can get a slow release form.Another option could be Neupro patch which works on symptoms 24 hours.Thetecare options you cant carry on in all this pain.The lack of sleep just makes symptoms worse like a vicious circle x
Hi restless1973 If you're feeling that bad why not phone a member of your family or the Samaritans. We've all been where you are at some stage and we know what total hell you're going though. Where are you. I know it's easy to say but be strong and get yourself straight back to the doctor. There will be something that will help although it may take a while to find out what. Strong painkillers can help. If you're in the UK get some Co'codomol. They are quite good.
Hello restless, I've been on lyrica pregabalin 50mg 2x a day with tramadol 500mg 2x a day and it works very well for my chronic pain,though I feel drowsy but I don't care being drowsy rather than bearing this un bearable pain..let us move on fighting with our pain,be strong you're not alone, WELCOME to the club!!just wanna lift you up
It never did anything for me, but everyone is different. Hang in there sweetheart!!! xxx Mitzi
Will do. Thank you. Hopefully tonight will be better.
Hope for abetter night for you infact for all us sufferers!

So far so good. Cheers for last night.
A pleasure I have been there like many of us
Lyrica stops RLS unfortunately It swells ups my feet and legs so I can't take it.
Hi Rosetta, same hete it is a good med although I needed high doses plus mirapex for relief and I also got the swelling .Seems to be a common side effect x