Has anyone noticed that just before an attack of rl their feet seem to be stiff and swollen although they dont look swollen
Stiff feet: Has anyone noticed that... - Restless Legs Syn...
Stiff feet

Not for me.
I hadn't noticed, but it would fit with my theory that the itchy sensation that makes people feel the need to move their limbs is due to inflammation of nerve receptors, I believe due to raised blood sugar.
OMG! I have always felt like my hyperglycemia has a direct influence on my RLS. Actually, most everything seems to influence the syndrome. I appreciate the connection being made!

Glad that someone agrees with me. I am convinced that although it may not be high enough to make doctors worried about diabetic problems, hyperglycemia is an elephant in the room as regards rls. Sorbate food preservatives also trigger my rls, and having more than one cause makes them very difficult to identify. It's taken me almost twenty years to solve my rls problem since I first realised that food can have a huge effect on many conditions.
Yes, alcohol affects my legs negatively, especially wine. I have diabetes and have definitely noticed a change when my sugar is over 250. My diabetes became out of control and I had symptoms day and night when it was over 300. Constant. I ended up suicidal and it’s no wonder! RLS day and night is a real nightmare!
Yes, the arch of my foot goes really stiff.
No, I have not experienced that symptom but often an attack can start with a sharp needle-like pain in my foot.
I have noticed both a swollen numbness feeling and sharp pains. Seems like sugar aggravates and salty foods eases this condition, but I have had such bad side effects of Mirapex and somewhat less with ropinirole, I thought it was just another side effect. I take ropinirole, iron biglycinate, tamsulosin (which also could be contributing to this condition), and a multiitamin.
No, but I have to stretch my feet out and point my toes as if I’m ballet dancing! My whole body can get involved. I have started using ice to calm my legs down and learned this from someone here. It really helps!