I had experienced since i was in grade school leg pain and its getting worst now i have two kids i still experiemced it is it really true no cure for ressless leg syndrome?
Is there a cure? : I had experienced... - Restless Legs Syn...
Is there a cure?

No cure,- just treatment.
Rosalie, there is no cure.
But knowledge of the syndrome is growing fast, and therefore there is hope of more targeted treatments, much superior to what we have now.
Professor Serge Ferre, in his recent talk on adenosine in RLS - adenosine is the 'missing link' in the knowledge of the disease - did actually mention the word 'cure'. This is not something scientists do lightly. If ever.
The researchers are working their way back to the first cause, which is Brain Iron Deficiency, and getting very close to a complete understanding of the whole cascade of chemical reactions which occur, or do not occur, in our brains.
So there is lots of hope and quite a lot of excitement.
Previously the researchers did not have the tools to do the job. Now they do.
I have sent some info in a private message.
What would you send in a private msg that you cannot say in front of everyone. There is no cure, just treatment.
Who have I offended?????
First I am able and entitled to communicate with anyone I choose
Just to soothe your damaged feelings I sent the list of things that are reported to HELP fellow sufferers to anyone who apparently haven't seen it. I'm sure there would be complaints if I sent it to every post.
I don't claim there is any cure or that a diet works for everyone
In fact I think I have said many times that it only works for some lucky people but it does not cure you are just stuck with eating a boring diet until you choose to enjoy RLS again
I have also noticed that the forum advice on ferritin no longer seems to align with Doctor Buchfuhrer advice so I think it's good for others to see that his most recent research offers a different opinion. He seems to be a highly respected source and has a lot more experience than I
Cheers Graham
While I don’t know your reasoning for sending a private message on this topic, if it is something regarding progression on curing RLS, I would encourage you to post it for all. Thanks!!
Graham uses a diet to control his RLS, which he has posted on here many times. You can look in search and see what he posts. So, its not a cure as such he is keeping secret. Sometimes he will say he has sent a PM , but i guess he should explain WHY he is.

And, we ALL know diet does not help everyone.
I have been given to understand that Graham sometimes informs members that he has sent them a private message with some dietary and other suggestions which may be of some help to them and by doing this he is not clogging up other posts and threads with the same information. As you mention, he has posted many times on the forum and this information can be found by using the Search facility.