How about this for a cure..... - Restless Legs Syn...
How about this for a cure.....

If only!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a load of crap I've been eating this for yrs.' as part as a low calorie diet what next? I don't believe what people put on this web site it should not be allowed
ha ha ha Dragon, i will get a truck load delivered instantly, i will be cured in a month
If the cereal gives you what you were deficient in...........vits and minerals then its worked for you, I think that any deficiency caused by whatever can cause problems one of which may be RLS, this shows the huge range of things that can cause this problem and also a reason for why there is no one med that can put it right, well done thanks for posting it. That's providing you are not head of sales at
blimy I wish I was....better pay than the supermarket eh!!! It is said that you get more nutrients from eating the cardboard that a lot of these cereals come in.!!!!! Ha ha
Special K has come a long way up from eating cardboard.
They have fruit, yogurt varieties. Give it a try.
Vitamin B12 shots---as in needle, are helping me out some. I am
getting up to par on several of those vitamins and minerals. It's
changed my energy level a whole lot.
If I were a judge, I would say that the cereal helps fill in nutrition
gaps but doesn't fix RLS, if you have RLS moderately to severe.
Then again, who knows... I am not everybody and maybe it will
work for other's on this forum.
I don't know about the rest of you sufferers, but back in the day when I first started to be troubled by RLS it used to come and go so that I might be free from it for a couple of months at a time. Now of course it's a different scenario. Heigh Ho!
It comes and goes, I wish it would go on an extended vacation.
By rights, if you eat a healthy diet, as in, fruit and veggies, etc, then you should get all your Vitamins and Minerals, from what you eat. I did read somewhere, that as you get older, then absorbing those vits. and mins. are harder to do. I do try to eat a sensible diet, low fat, healthy foods etc etc, it keeps my weight down, but cant say it makes any difference to my RLS. Some food and drink can be a trigger for RLS, those need to be avoided if you find they make it worse.
I love all you RLSers and your sense of humour even though we suffer!! I get relief with co codamol and hot baths but have just bought some Magnesium Orate to try. Message for Kaarma? I am seeing my GP tues re changing from citalopram to venlafaxine so will keep in touch