For 50+ years my symptoms were only in my legs and feet. But then it started to move to my arms and the rest of my body. ATT I did not understand a lot about the disease, and with the symptoms being totally different to the ones I had experienced all my life in my legs it took me awhile to work it out but it was actually RLS. I had pins and needles, itching, a warm sensation etc. It moved very very slowly. I'll try to remember. I think it was my arms first .. 3 months, head neck and shoulders .. 3 months, left side of my trunk, you get the drift. But it was not augmentation. It was a very weird sensation, especially when one night they all hit at once, causing my entire body to jump (almost levitate) on the bed. The cats went flying, but I saw the funny side ..... I looked around and thought 'I wonder when the green soups gonna arrive'. And if you don't get that last line you weren't around in the seventies.
Nah, Grany. I was around in the sixties and we had the tambourine man.
About 2 years ago my symptoms started spreading - first to my feet with neuropathy; then a similar feeling in my bicep area; and now, sometimes in my hands. I’ve just started CBD cream and other procucts. CBD cream helps - great for my feet, pretty good for my hands and biceps. Nothing like what you reported though, Grany. Hope it’s better now.
Hi Mona, CBD cream .... am I correct in assuming that this cream is derived from cannabis? I have used the CBD oil but with minimal effects on my RLS and in any case, I found it to be too expensive to be administered on a regular basis. But I am very interested in using the cream, as my knees and feet and ankles are driving me mad at the moment. Do I purchase this product from the same vendor?
Yes, the cream I use is primarily CBD, with a little THC thrown in. If you live in a state where you can buy products that include THC (which means, non-hemp) it’s worth a try. I’d also try the oil or an inhaler IF you can get products with THC. Others have said the non-THC products don’t help RLS. I live in CO where I can get either. It’s changing my life - I just hope the effect lasts! It is a bit expensive, but better for me than Mirapex.