Hi, I am new to this site. I just want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences, I don't know anyone who suffers from RLS like I do, so its nice to know there are others that understand.
I have had RLS since I was 13 in my legs and left arm. I had huge battles with my GP throughout my childhood saying it was just growing pains, but I knew it wasn't. It has always been uncomfortable and caused poor sleep but for the past year it has become more severe. I was referred to my neurologist in December 2017 who, after a 15 minute consultation, diagnosed me with Myoclonus and told me I was no longer allowed to drive. I was send for an EEG, blood tests, 24 hour urine tests, all of which came back inconclusive. I was then sent for a 3 day stay in hospital for another EEG (results come back on 20 June). After this I was prescribed Ropinirole, starting at 0.25mg and increasing over time to 2mg. Unfortunately I had nasty side affects and was taken off them after 3 weeks.
I spend approx. 5 nights a week with the spider crawl in my feet, burning in my calf muscles, pain, twitching and sleeplessness caused by RLS and its getting me down. Two nights this week I have only had 1 1/2 hours sleep and 4 hours the other nights...this is disturbed sleep due to the pain. I've spent countless nights crying in bed rubbing my legs and arms trying anything to alleviate the symptoms. Is there anything else I could take instead of the Dopamine? Im so exhausted during the day that I find it hard to concentrate on anything, this has caused a severe lack of self confidence resulting in me leaving my job. I also get the burning sensation in my legs when I need to pass urine...is this normal for RLS??
I hope you don't mind my long waffle and questions, but ive got to the point where I don't know what to do.
Wishing you all well