I have found the posts very interesting. I began getting RLS at the age of about 30 . When I went to a doctor and tried to explain it, he asked "is everyting ok at home?"(early 1980's) So I named it lazy legs. over the years it has slowly changed in symptoms and severity. I have tried absolutely everything. all the home remedys. As i read posts I see how different it is for each person. For my sister miraplex works 24hrs, it did nothing for me. ropinerol is the best for me BUT it takes 2 to 3 hours to kick in and i get extremely sleepy, so only night time. walking does nothing for me . I just bought the cbd today, Ill start using it and post in a few weeks to let you know if it helps at all. i need to be able to function during the day.
Restless leg syndrome: I have found the... - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless leg syndrome
Yeah, unfortunately, like every other Autoimmune disease, this one varies person to person. I can use a Lobelia extract (sprayed directly on my legs) for a few nights at least and it will work pretty well. After a few nights I try Voltaren (prescription), and some homemade sleep well tea, then some valerian and wild lettuce extract (taken by the shot), then round back around to the Valerian spray. These don't work every time, but enough to help. I can't use CBD oil in my state (even though there is no active THC), but it would be interesting to see how well it works for you - or not... Best wishes
That’s really difficult when the doctor doesn’t have a clue. I am on tompirate for migraines then tramadol as well as other medication so mine is a combination. Hope your oil works xx
Have you checked your serum ferritin levels? It is important for most RLS sufferers to make sure their iron levels are high. US experts recommend levels over 100. It can help to minimise symptoms in some sufferers.