It strikes me having read the majority of posts most days, that there is no definitive solution - what works for one, either does not work for another, or may even make things worse!
I am currently in a relatively good position, I was taking Modifinil (100mg) early am & lunchtime for Sleep Aponea & pramipexole (.09mg) 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, but the conflicting side effects were causing problems, so I stopped the Modifinil & only take 50mg just before a meeting or evening out & have kept on with the pramipexole & it seems to work for me. I also take 1mg of diazepam & half a Nytol one a night immediately before I go to bed & am not experiencing any sleep problems or bad RLS, unless I forget to take one of the pramipexole.
I also have a vibration foot plate, but have not found it particularly helpful for RLS, but do use it as it has other benefits.
I would love to come off Pramipexole, and am seeing a new Neurologist in London in the New Year who treats RLS & Sleep Aponea, so will see what he comes up with & will let you know