Hi all, I have just joined as after years of poor sleep And not understanding why I think I have restless leg syndrome. For years I’ve had sensations in my legs that are hard to describe but inside my legs feels itchy like insects are crawling in them. I have tried everything I can think of to stop this. It happens as I am relaxing before bedtime. I’d not thought of rls as assumed this was what I get more occasionally more of a fidgety can’t stay still. I’ve been to my gp who has prescribed quinine sulphate, so will try this but not sure if it’s the right medication from a quick research. I have quite good sleep hygiene, but am interested in any other advice of things I can try? Or would it be best to try the medication first to see if it works before introducing new thing so I know what works. I already have a dairy free diet as am intolerant to cows milk protein.
New to the group: Hi all, I have just... - Restless Legs Syn...
New to the group

Quinine worked for me ok for about 8 months. Pramipexole will probably be your next step- but read about the warnings on this site-- and don't be put off by dire warnings of side effects or augmentation. They are mostly due to mixing up Parkinsons dose with that for rls and inreasing dose when it starts not being effective.
Anyway- you have some breathing space to research those things first.
Nothing like being well prepared.
You're doing well.
I was confused as dr said to not take it every night only when particularly bad but packet says to take every night and should notice effects after 3 weeks. Thankyou I’ll do lots of research and try and help myself in other non medical ways
People here will tell you its only for leg cramps and banned by FDA. Also not for you if bad heart. But as I said - it worked for me for a while. Placebo ??
Yes- you need to take it continously. And - no , quinine tonic water won't cut the mustard!😂 ( Before someone comes in with that bright suggestion.)
My hearts ok so that’s not a problem, ah ok that makes sense. I was thinking of upping my gin and tonic intake 😂
Oh dear! Have to put my party pooper hat on!
Alcohol tends to be trigger for rls. Though I'm not experienced with gin! No sin- that's me!!😈
Years ago when I'd really had enough occasionally i would drink a copious amount of alcohol before bed. If I got drunk enough to make me vomit, afterwards I would sleep like a baby all night. I didn't do this often as it's not a good idea for obvious reasons, but also because going through the vomiting stage was so horrible and I do NOT recommend it.
Well i am going to be a party pooper, and say yes it was a placebo effect. There is no where that is says that quinine is/was for RLS only cramps.

That’s what I had read so will have to wait and see. To be honest I’m so relieved that I know what’s wrong now that if it doesn’t work at least I know what’s wrong
Nothing wrong with the placebo effect if it gives relief for a short time or longer.
Ive just been referred to a neurologist. She said she'd prefer not to give medication which I'm happy about. She said the three main issues were stress, alcohol and blue light. She therefore advised a reduction in all of these and no TV, phones, computers at least 3 hours before bedtime. I like to drink socially and haven't found any correlation here. I am sensitive to blue light. She said rls happens in light sleep mode so all these things prevent you sleeping deeply.
I don’t really drink, going to have a look at my use of electronics as definitely something I use too much off...
So, you are going to do all those things and no meds to take. Well i hope it works for you. RLS happens while you are awake, altho it can wake you up, RLS stops you from falling asleep for most of us. Stress and alcohol are triggers not reasons for RLS.
Don’t worry I already knew this lol. My gp suggested stopping smoking to which I replied once I get some sleep I’ll consider it as I don’t want to be charged with murder lol
With great difficulty, a few years ago I gave up smoking after 40-odd years (I started before I got RLS), and one of the things I desperately hoped for was that my RLS would stop. To my great disappointment it didn't. I felt better in other ways though. Then my beloved dog had to have her right eye removed because of a tumour, and the very thought of maiming her in such a way traumatised me so hugely that I bought a pack of 10 cigarettes and wept and smoked all afternoon. That was that I'm afraid. I'd lasted a whole year up to then.
Did you know that insomnia is considered a sleep disorder and RLS is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea? If I were you, I would ask to have a sleep study or at least take Co Q 10 for the RLS. I have sleep apnea and insomnia and took Co Q 10 (800 mg) and it worked! No prescription is needed. It was recommended by my diabetes doctor when he put me on medication for cholesteral.
Insomnia is not a sleep disorder, but rather a symptom of a sleep disturbance
Never heard of RLS being a symptom of sleep apnea.
Curious enough CoQ10 is listed as a Glutamate Blocker along with Ibuprofen. Glutamate (the excitable neurotransmitter) and GABA (the relaxing neurotransmitter) go back and forth, one creating the other. So, I wake up at 3AM - wide awake - take an ibuprofen (or 1/2) and I'm usually getting another 2 hours of sleep. I will try some CoQ10 before bed and see if that helps. BTW - blue-blocker glasses are a great help - an hour or so prior to sleep and they're cheap like $5.
Hi Barbara, just wonder if you have heard of Ubiquinol (body ready CoQ10). A lot of the CoQ10 supplements are not easily absorbed like the Ubiquinol is. I quit taking my statin drug and now take Ubiquinol and Citrus Bergamot to lower my cholesteral, and they work better than the statin drug ever did.
Gabapentin works wonders
I swear by kratom. First real reliable relief in forever. kratoma. Com
Beware of augmentation responses to pharma
Someone posted a link to a John's Hopkins article regarding RLS and augmentation responses. It was very informative. I have had RLS for 5 years and started .25 mg of lorazepam 2 years ago. It still works and my RLS has not gotten any worse. For me it seems like a brain glitch. I'm working on my HPA axis and have seen some good results.
Definitely stay away from blue light at night (tv, computers, phones, led lights). Look at the sun every morning and put your feet on the ground for 15 mins.