Stevia gives me RLS. But not only food does it, I get it when I'm tired & if I just go to bed I am able to sleep it off. Also get it from Yellow cheese like food flavours.
Stevia & RLS: Stevia gives me RLS. But... - Restless Legs Syn...
Stevia & RLS

How can you go to bed when you have jumpy legs and sleep?
Great that you've recognised that stevia brings on rls. Sugar does it for me. I'd guess that you consume other sugars or sweeteners in your diet, and that they build up in your body during the day, which is why you notice it when you're tired. The sweeteners you're consuming may be hidden in processed foods, sauces, drinks or fruits. Start reading labels and avoid them.
SLEEP OFF RLS?? Oh my, if only! Without my meds all my limbs are silently shrieking, I cannot lie still for 20 seconds. There is absolutely no chance of sleep for several days, until eventually I don't so much fall asleep as lose consciousness. I don't understand what you mean by 'sleep it off'.
If you're not sleeping do you get up and have drinks and snacks? If the RLS is food triggered, you're not giving your body the chance to 'sleep it off'. When people sleep they don't eat, so by the time they wake up the triggers have passed through the body, so the RLS goes away.