I am new to your site. I do have RLS to the point where I wish someone would pull my legs off. My biggest problem is the involuntary clenching of my chestuff, shoulder, neck muscles. IT'S AWFUL! Sometimes my arms fly up. It's like I squeeze these neck and shoulder chest muscles, it's not really pain or burning, it's a restless sensation, it's really bad at night. Maybe my problem is different then all of yours. If I take Alieve PM it does help.
I don't know if it's the same... - Restless Legs Syn...
I don't know if it's the same...

Unfortunately RLS can effect the whole body and for me the RLS in my body and arms is far worse than the worst of the RLS in my legs.
Be careful you are not taking drugs that will make it worse - antidepressants for example, or that you are augmenting on a dopamine agonist.
A lot of people find that the condition is food related. That's why it's worse at the end of the day than first thing in the morning when you've not eaten for a few hours. I and a few others find that it is worse after high sugar intake (including fruit juices, alcoholic drinks etc). Personally I find that a food preservative brings it on in around half an hour of eating, namely E202-potassium sorbate, found in damp processed foods like margarine (and hence many cakes), dips and sauces.
Hi according to the experts RLS is worse in the evening and during the night as it follows the circadian rythm which is the body's internal body clock and dopamine levels drop naturally at night
Of course some people do find that certain foods trigger RLS although I haven't noticed a connection personally. Alcohol definitely affects me though x
You need to go see your doctor buddy soon as, they will make you jump through a load of useless crappy hoops before they even take you serious, that's my experience.
everybody has different symptoms, yours are pretty common to RLS join the happy jumpy hoppity spasm group turn the music on and have yourself a private disco lol, we all have these problems and there is no one clear road to take to rid us of the secondary symptoms, sleep deprivation, embarrassing jerks twitches jumpiness well the list is endless. stay safe
Hi Jacdawg,
Your post is from 7 months ago... I don't know if you are still "here" reading posts and replies... Reading your post made me think "this sound just like what my hubby is experiencing". He has had RLS for years and lately has become very very restless with his hands and arms. It is really hard for me to watch him. His shoulders jump (twitch) as if he is shrugging one shoulder and he has these different "strange and out of context" repetitive moments in his hands which I relate to what you wrote "Sometimes my arms fly up" - he would repetitively pull his nose or rub his face as if he needs to do something with his hand. When he is driving he gets really restless and I see this movements A LOT. Do you relate to my description? Also, the fingers in his hands would move on their own and I see him rubbing his chest a lot.... Everything I have described can happen all day long when he is "resting" ...
He never ever talks to me about his RLS (I know it is strange but that's the way it is and I respect him) But lately with all that I have described above I am really really worried and now I found your post and it seems like you are describing some similar symptoms.
Thank you!