Went to see my doc today to discuss a plan going forward for my RLS, which for a little history, hasn't gotten worse or anything. Had a freak day a couple of days ago when I decided to voluntarily skip the dose and just couldn't stand. Anyway, so I went to discuss with him and he just laughed off my suggestion that the DA might not be such a good idea for the future. He said if you're getting some sleep so just forget about the drug. If you don't want to take it just stop it won't be a problem. Clearly, he doesn't know what he's talking about. So hurtful and sad it is that all of this feels so okay to him. Don't know what to do. Perhaps buying some opiods on my own could work. Feel stuck.
They don't know what they're talking ... - Restless Legs Syn...
They don't know what they're talking about

Are you in the UK or the USA or some where else. If the UK, can you see another doctor in the surgery> If in the USA find another doctor all together. Sometimes a doctor will look and read what info we take about RLS and the meds, some wont, think you are telling them their job. I know a few people on here have taking info and their doctor has been happy to learn more about RLS through the patient's suffering.

I tried explaining it to him but he just discarded my opinion saying you're too active on the web. I am pretty sure that this is exactly what other doctors are going to tell me as well. That is why, I am now thinking of getting some mild opiods from the pharmacy myself. However, I have no idea about what to ask the pharmacy for.
You wont get anything strong enough opiate wise from your pharmacy. If you are in the UK you can get co-codamol, which has a very small dose of codeine combined with paracetamol. In the USA they dont sell anything like that in a pharmacy.
This is sad but it's like I say on my Blog. We must be our own Advocate. We can't always trust our Doctors. We must research on our own to find the best alternative for us. For me, I found out by accident about Nightshades. NIghtshades cause RLS. It's very simple to eliminate them from our daily diet or eat them earlier in the day. Or simply whatever works for the individual person. toeveryflareisaseason.com
I bought some Xmas cards from this site which had several leaflets explaining all about rls. I took them to my doctor surgery for them to display along with all the other leaflets but not one was put on show, I asked why one day but they just said it hadn’t had the ok from a doctor. It’s because they don’t have the answers or a cure. Only we know our own bodies and so we learn from this site what to trial and error. In my case it was definitely hormone related.