Hi everybody!May I ask you how much codeine do you need to calm your legs?My rls drives me crazy.I m on 0.18 of prami before bedtime.It helps very much.But my rls is severe during the day.Today it was the 1st time that i took a pill called lonarid which is o combo of paracetamol, codeine and caffeine.It helped so much.Thank you in advance for your replies.
Codeine: Hi everybody!May I ask you how... - Restless Legs Syn...

I found I needed at the very least 30mg of Codeine to start working but 60mg was good and effective, for me. Its all quite subjective so worth starting with say 16mg - 2 x 8/500 co-codamol, (Codeine/Paracetamol mix) and seeing how that goes then titrate up slowly til you hit the sweet spot.

My doctor prescribes ropinorole .. it works great! But makes u sleepy .. i take around 7pm and ill sleep with no rls.. if i get it duding the day ill take 1/4 pill to knock it out
30mg of codeine is good for me. good luck.x
While I can't answer your question, can I ask this one?: are you familar with augmentation and Pramipexole?

Υes i am...The 1st doctor that told me about it was an rls expert a month ago.No one else had ever mentioned it before.Most of them suggested to increase dose.Fortunately i didnt.
For me, 20mg of codeine in cough syrup also containing promethazine works perfectly. In a pill form with acetaminophen (paracetamol), even 30mg of codeine does not do a perfect job.
I take co-codamol 30mg/500mg up to 4 times a day but do not take them as often as that try to keep 2 times a day.they were prescribed for my RA not for my RLS. I took RLS after RA both can be connected.I was also taking 0.088mg Pramipexole 6 at night i know this is a high doze i have cut it down to 5 and will try to cut it further but it is the only thing that helps.Iam aware of augmentation but i only found out about this on this forum no doctor ever mentioned it to me.
Hi, I took Lonarid last night with 1/2 a mirapex as Im trying to cut off the mirapex. I was up many times in the night. I started cbd oil yesterday so lets see? How is your rls
Ι am off pram and on pregabalin and tramadol for 2 months.My nights have very recently been rls free but still get rls at daytime.