Pramipexole versus sex (2/0) - Restless Legs Syn...

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Pramipexole versus sex (2/0)

rkatt profile image
20 Replies

I've been trying to cut my .18 Pramipexole tab by a quarter, not just to try to prolong these life of this drug for me, but also because it depresses my sex drive This might sound crazy. Recently a member posted how Pramipexole hyped her into dangerous sex addiction. Not so me. Has anyone else had this experience?

Pramipexole by the way has won the match. I can't cut down. It's agony. I'm now thinking of increasing by a quarter tab.

Come back libido, you fabulous beast.

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rkatt profile image
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20 Replies

I went hyper with it, unfortunately my Mrs wasn't taking it at the time! You're not on an antidepressant by any chance? There are a wide variety of drugs that can cause problems with the libido, normally the DA's raise it but I've been around long enough to know our bodies are all very different as much as they are the same.

Good luck on the withdrawal and remember a well planned withdrawal is much more likely to succeed if planned well. Have you thought of what you are going to do to replace the DA?

Take care.

rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to

Thanks raffs. No, no antidepressants for me. I take Kratom. Used to smoke cannabis but not anymore due to asthma. My plan was to go down to a half tab of Pramipexole supplemed by Tramadol. No dice. A private doctor recommended by a friend said he couldn't do it because the government now requires massive documentation. He's used up his and been told there will be a wait of 6 months for more.

My GP says she won't prescribe because Tramadol is a new drug and might have unpredictable effects. (Yes I know - hilarious isn't it)

in reply to rkatt

Oh man, some Drs. Tramadol is new! Just like my mum was always 21!! You could always use the cannabis to make cannabutter and use it to make buns - has the added bonus of making it longer lasting and more potent.

rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to

Raffs, I tried to bake some but didn't get a result. From YouTube, where else, I've figured out how to make tea. It seems easy - just use butter and herb and boil for half an hour. Hope it works.

Yes Tramadol - ho ho ho.

in reply to rkatt

Did you make sure to lightly toast the cannabis first?

Stick it in an oven with the door ajar at about 60/80c when it is dry and crumbles easy take out and grind finely.

Place it in a pot of hot water and butter and SIMMER only do not boil for at least 4 hours, at least!

Pour through muslin/an old shirt, squeeze plant matter out well and cool. The cannabutter will congeal on the top.

rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to

Brilliant! Excellent advice. YouTube man didn't say that. Thanks.

in reply to rkatt

If you miss the 'toasting' part, boil it or don't simmer for 4+ hours you are going to get expensive gunk!

Hopefully your next foray into the kitchen will be more fruitful.

Take care.

in reply to

I tried cooking biscuits once. It stunk so much my two cats runaway.

Audioman7 profile image
Audioman7 in reply to

Very important to toast it as Raff's says. That converts the THC which activates the CB2 receptors which are peripheral - you need that for the RLS. Without toasting only the CB1 receptors get activated.

Sleepless1950 profile image
Sleepless1950 in reply to rkatt

My Husband and I take cannabis capsules.

His is for knee pain and I take it for RLS.

Works well so far.

The cannabis we take comes in many different dosages. I take 10 mg and my Husband takes 20mg. He is lowering his dosage due to feeling quite groggy in the am

You need to find a doctor who is sympathetic to this horrible condition RLS. I have been educating people in the medical profession for years about RLS

When I first started to get RLS no one had a clue as to what it was.

I heard all kinds of reasons for my horrible

Symptoms , including menopause. Finally a neurologist gave it a name!

I took Mirapex for 20 years until the side effects were very scary.

I got off the Mirapex very slowly with the help of my doctor and my pharmacist. It has been a year now and I am still getting withdrawal! I have been taking a narcotic since then and it helps tremendously. My doctor has seen me screaming in agony from the RLS and I think after seeing me in that state for days, she would prescribe almost anything for it to stop. I am trying to slowly reduce the dosage of narcotic and just use the cannabis. This seems to be working. I am still terrified to Just take the cannabis and stop the narcotic. I will persevere!

I am fortunate that my doctor witnessed what it is like to have full blown RLS that lasted for days

I too have wanted to chop my legs off or worse. I am sure I am not alone in contemplating suicide because of RLS

I never would because of what it would do to my large Family. I have nightmares about being stranded somewhere without having anything to stop it. I have had a lot of health issues in my life but RLS is by far the worst and I fear they will not come up with a cure.

It is like migraines, which I also suffer from, you can't cure migraines, you can only stop the pain until the next one comes.

I am sorry to be so negative but I still live in fear that one day nothing will alleviate the symptoms, I do find a lot of comfort knowing I am not alone like I felt before. I found that you have to go to your doctor and tell him/her what you are going through. I told mine that I was suicidal and I had to have their full support!

My Husband has come with me to my doctor to tell them what it is like to watch someone you love go through an episode of full blown RLS, where there was nothing to do but make sure I wasn't going to hurt myself!

I wish you all the best in finding a doctor that fully understands what you are going through. Ideally it would be so great to find a doctor who suffers from RLS or whose partner has it!!

Thank you all for all your support over the years.

Faithfully yours,

Sleepless 1950


rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to Sleepless1950

Thanks. That's really helpful. I'm so sorry and concerned to hear about the agony RLS has inflicted on you. Apart from surviving you have done a brilliant job educating the medics. Are you in America? I don't think cannabis is available here in the UK on prescription. Tablets sound ideal. My medical practice here in London is large and busy and teeming with interns. It's nearly impossible to see the same doctor twice in a row. Friends urge me to go to a private specialist. One thing the GPs refuse is to prescribe Tramadol which works very well for me and doesn't augment.

Best wishes!

jan_ET profile image
jan_ET in reply to Sleepless1950

Thank you for your share yes it is the worst nightmare ever but the best thing i have done is join this forum it has saved my life - Jan

in reply to

I would seriously give my right arm (make that leg .... pun intended) to get a hold of some cannabis. Fraid couldn't bring myself to front up to the local.

in reply to

I thought cannabis was rampant about Australia?

If you have the space and privacy you could always grow it yourself!

rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to

Also known as marijuana, ganga, dagga (SA), the smoke that thunders, certain substances, bambambooi and rope. Also tea, pot and reefer.

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Just gotta add:

The moment I saw the title of this post I knew Raffs would have a field day with it! 😁

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So amazing to see how the reactions we have to certain medications can (sometimes) have the totally opposite outcome.

I'm with you Raffs .... good thing we're oceans apart, and years!

Kmoore464 profile image

Lyrics and cymbalta for Fibro causes sexual dysfunction as well. What ware u taking?

rkatt profile image
rkatt in reply to Kmoore464

Just Pramipexole. It caused a loss of interest when before sex was one of my best things. I mean its still okay- but much less so.

Audioman7 profile image

Yes you can. It just takes a long time and reducing very slowly. I was at 1.5 and after a month I am down to .37. It'll take another month to get down completely. Horrible stuff - I think more physically addicting than anything I've ever taken. Took over my life - memory and ability to plan shot out, all I could think about was sex, but it wasn't a together thing, it was a compulsion and I don't let those in my life. As you said, agony to cut down even a little - okay the first day but by the second your body is revolting and you feel you are going to die. Goes away when you take your dose again. So you are at .18. Not enough for the sexual compulsions - believe me you don't want that - just enough to make you feel horrible when you go off. Start out by splitting your pill in half, and then half again. Take 3/4 for at least 2 weeks. I don't know if you smoke marijuana, but a couple hits when you feel bad helps immensely. After two weeks drop to the 1/2 for another 2 weeks, then 1/4, then off. It's not too bad that way, and you HAVE to get off. There is more they didn't tell you than how addicting it is. It also destroys your heart muscle in the long term. I didn't find that out until I'd been doing it for 6 months.

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