Hi all, my main condition is fibro but I also have RLS. This week has been the worst ever and the only thing that has changed is that it is unusually hot here in UK. My bedroom is like an oven! I had heard that warm weather improve RLS for many but was wondering if it aggravates it for any of you? The heat makes it difficult to sleep as well.
The nerve flickering is not just confined to my feet and legs though it's in my arms, shoulders and torso as well. It's not happening just at night but throughout the day. Maybe this is just a bad week. Do people have flare ups with RLS then it calms down again? If I'm honest I'm frightened, it's never been like this before and I'm concerned it is a progression rather than a temporary thing. I can't sleep, struggle walking and my cognitive function is shot to bits. I guess all I can do is stay calm and see how it goes. My GP has me on 5mg of Diazipam twice daily which up until now has been very effective.
Could it just be a flare up because I'm not used to this heat? Experiences and comments gratefully received