I have had really bad indigestion and acid stomach recently and my G.P. has prescribed Omeprazol. I have severe RLS so am always cautious about taking new meds. Does anyone know if this is O.K. to take with RLS?
omeprazol: I have had really bad... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi bedith
I found this three year old HU RLS posting from Tillytop so perhaps for some Omeprazole and Lanzoprazole will affect RLS sufferers:
"I recently read an article linking Omeprazole/Lanzoprazole to RLS (restless legs syndrome) and as someone with long term severe RLS, I had never previously made the connection. My RLS is "there" regardless but, looking back I do seem to think the sudden dramatic worsening I experienced coincided with me taking a high dose of Lanzoprazole for a suspected stomach ulcer. The article I read was in the Daily Telegraph "Dr Lefanu" health section and said that the thinking behind the link between these meds and RLS is that PPI drugs like Lanzoprazole and Omeprazole can inhibit absorption of iron from the gut. It went on to say that iron deficiency is the (eminently treatable) cause of RLS in nearly one fifth of all RLS sufferers. Hence a potential worsening of RLS when taking these meds. "
There is only one way to find out if it will worsen your RLS, bedith ........
Hi Bedith I take it without any worsening of my RLSx
I have taken it with no worsening of symptoms
It's a proton pump inhibitor which for many people ramps up the rls- not all.
Might be worth googling "GARD" - I found putting a teaspoon of ground chia seeds in my breakfast meusli helped a lot. And avoiding carbs as much as possible.
Good luck.
Hi I have been taking omeprazal for quite a few years for hiatus hernia and it doesn't seem to make my RLS any worse
I too take Omeprazole without it affecting the RLS.
I also have acid reflux. I take Lansoprazole. I started taking it every day. But now I take it every other day and it keeps the acid at bay
Try the low-fodmap diet!
I used to use Omeprazole but it provokes RLS quite severely so I avoid it now. I have to avoid indigestion or take Tums.
Popular heartburn drugs called proton pump inhibitors such as Omeprazole may increase the risk of heart problems, kidney damage and death, according to two 2017 studies. It is also known to be a cause of osteoporosis. Meat, dairy, oils and highly refined foods are known to cause GERD. For information on treating GERD without drugs do a search on GERD or acid reflux at drmcdougall.com When my wife started having GERD her doc would only allow her to use Omerprazole for two weeks. In the mean time he had her essentially go on a whole-food plant-based way of eating. Lots or potatoes, beans, rice, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and very small amounts of nuts. GERD cleared up in two weeks.
I take Ranitidine (Zantac) and it doesn't affect my RLS.
I have suffered from RLS since I was a child when I was told to stop fidgeting and that I had growing pains. Now approaching 70 and taking Omeprazole for reflux for about 30 years has made no difference at all. I have also been prescribed Tramadol for pain and that made no difference either to my pain or my RLS.
I have, however, just read the above post from tom137 and am going to do some more research into Omeprazole and osteoporosis as I have recently been moved from osteopenia to osteoporosis on my DEXA scan.
Me too! I suffer from RLS for a while but learned to manage it fine. I have it at nights only.
However, After 4 days of taking a generic form of omeprazol I started moving my toes, fingers, muscles, And a bit of anxiety, symptoms Similar to when I used to drink coffee. I stopped taking caffeine for many months now. I hardly get anxious and I am living a calm period of my life so I started wondering if the antacid is causing it.