Marijuana and RLS: Does anyone have any... - Restless Legs Syn...

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Marijuana and RLS

jk3842 profile image
14 Replies

Does anyone have any experience with RLS and medical Marijuana usage?

I have been told that one or two puffs and the RLS stopped.

If it is affective with RLS, is there a way to ingest and avoiding smoking? I don't smoke.

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jk3842 profile image
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14 Replies

Hi jk3842, I've used it in the past and some strains are really good and some not so - there is a bit of trial and error need.

You can Vape it which is inhaling the vapour, easier on the lungs but very dry I find. You can also eat it but you have to dissolve it into a fat first. If I eat I normally make Cannabutter then bake, (but do it over low heat as the THC can burn off). You are looking at a 4-6 hour cooking session to make that!! You can also dissolve it in alcohol but that is nasty imho.

I don't like smoking it but it is the best way that I find to control the dose, (you have to wait for eaten cannabis to kick in which can take a while), smoking hits you faster and I found I was much less likely to overdose when smoking than when eating

There are others on here that have used/use it with good success. IF I had good access to it I would never use another drug.

Good luck.

maesllan5 profile image

Can not get medical marijuana in UK BUT I use what ever I can get my hands on, using a herbal vaporizer is my life saver as the doctors have so let me down big time! :(. But not able to use it in the day as the affects do limit me (driving ) but evenings when I need it most 95% of the time it works:)

cinamon profile image

Yes. It does help. I still take parkinson's pills to deal with my restless limb syndrome but if I take a couple hits before I go to sleep, it keeps my legs much calmer and I am able to get better rest. There are many, many ways to ingest rather than smoke. In fact, ingesting it works better at taking care of body pain. If you are in the US and a state that has dispensaries, they have most of their inventory in ingestibles. If you are not in the US and and in a place where they do not have dispensaries, you can simply make brownies and put the pot in those. BTW, smoking cigarettes and smoking pot are very different. Smoking pot is not addictive like smoking cigarettes is. However, as I said, ingesting pot is a much better way to help in any body pain you may have, as well as calming down the RLS.

jk3842 profile image

Thank you very much for your comments. I am in Mexico for now and not sure if the Dr's can write a prescription? I will inquire.


Windwalker profile image

I went to the trouble of getting certified as a Medical user in the state of AZ last year. I don't smoke so I bought a regular sized Brownie with an ounce baked into it. It was divided into eight parts. I ate one each night for eight nights and went back for another ounce and did eight more days. I have some effect from the marijuana but I stayed awake with RLS, just as much.

The doctor who certified me said he'd had several cases and they had some relief, but not complete relief. Try anything, maybe it will help.

jk3842 profile image

Appreciate your response.

Best of luck


3420 profile image

I was diagnosed with RLS last year. My doctor has prescribed everything and the only thing that worked for a short period was gabapentin. That didn't last long so I went back to marijuana and it works. I'm sleeping at night. I've been doing some research on where I can go to get a medical ID card and I've even considered moving to a state where marijuana is legal.

ARKSOTO profile image

My state will be voting on one, maybe two different bills to legalize medical marijuana this coming November, and I hope it passes> Actually, because I'm in a poor state, I would love to see all uses of marijuana legalized and taxed, to help the economy. I'm taking low doses of methadone, which effectively stop all the symptoms (and the misery) of RLS, but its side effects are mentally taxing, to say the least. I am experiencing irritation, aggravation, combativeness; it's like another woman has possessed me and is saying and doing things I would NEVER say or do. Thank Goodness I have a very understanding partner - I'm not sure I would be as understanding with him, if the situation was reversed. I've found that a small amt. of cannabis, either smoked, vaped or made into butter and baked in edibles stops all the horrid side effects. I've not yet gotten up the nerve to try stopping the methadone to see if the cannabis alone would stop the RLS symptoms themselves. ( I would consider my symptoms to be severe, gradually getting worse as I age. I've augmented every other drug I've tried in the last 30+ years.) I can't talk with my doctor about this for obvious reasons, but perhaps after the November vote, I will be able to discuss using cannabis either in conjunction with the methadone, or instead of methadone. The indica variety seems to be the best type, but not the sativa. I don't know how any hybrids would work, but would love to hear of success stories by anyone who has tried to treat RLS with cannabis ONLY.

jk3842 profile image

I am currently taking MMJ in a liquid format with a cocktail of other meds and it helps some .The problem with my liquid is I have no idea of the MMJ strand is used to make it. It is 800 THC. I take only 10 drops a night. I have three doctors that I go to. One is for the heart, one is a GP and one is for the RLS. I have discussed my use with all three. They seem to understand. I have not tried the vaporizer or smoking for RLS. I am 76 and have a fairly severe case. I would encourage your to have a frank conversation with your doctors.

I have a place on line that will mail me just about any strand but I have to purchase a full ounce which possession of an ounce is a felony in GA. Not sure where I will go from here?

Good luck

Mopsy1950 profile image

Hi jk3842 just about had enough of husband having to wake me up every morning out of a drugged sleep or deprived sleep on pramapexel, cut down to half tab so far legs playing up ,but am getting a bit of marj and going to make some butter and try making biscuits might be interesting they say one biscuit about an hour before bed will let you know if it helps

jk3842 profile image
jk3842 in reply to Mopsy1950

My experience is that any baked infused mmj products will not be as effective as smoking or vaping. Smoking gives me almost instant relief from RLS. It usually one or two puffs to stop RLS.

Baked products have to be processed into your system. Smoking is almost instant.

For me mmj is a supplement that I add to my current meds. It gives me that extra protection that may need. It does not take much to be effective.

Good luck.

jk3842 profile image

The ingestion of MMJ for me is not as effective as I would have expected or looked for. I am told that smoking or using a Vap device is almost instant and very effective. I now use a 800 THC oil. It works but takes a while to kick in. As soon as I get low on my current oil supply, I will try the Vaping route.

jk3842 profile image

Tried the THC oil ( 800 MG) and it is not as effective as smoking or vaping. of the two, smoking is the most effective. Smoking gives almost instant relief from my RLS.

The oil works but takes awhile to get in your system. For me there was some hangover with the oil.

Actually was never in my life was a smoker of regular cigarettes but RLS makes you break the rules to find relief. Along with my Rx meds, just +-three or four puffs and I am set for a good night's sleep.

The MMj strand is a key factor. Do your own homework / research. There are Cannabis websites that can help you evaluate your options.

Backtobasics95 profile image

Interesting. I'm currently vaping weed every night to treat my RLS. Have considered smoking it, but I have bad neighbours who would call the cops instantly if they smelt it. Weird how you don't get much relief from ingesting it. I seem to be completely opposite. When you ingest it, you have time to do all the things you gotta do before bed, then once it kicks in, you can sleep straight away. Vaporizing works pretty instantly (I usually do about 25 light hits) but it takes me 15-20 minutes to fall asleep so I miss out on some critical sleep. Also it's all about the strain. I have not tried any other strain besides the street stuff because where I live I won't have access to medical weed for another 9 months. I've read lots of people's accounts on US based forums who say that one strain can be magnificent whilst the other will do nothing.

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