Hi I suffer with fibromyalgia and servere rls I take amitriptyline and pramepexole but I'm beginning to think ones over riding the other I also take tramadol , naproxen and other medications but at night my legs still wanna go walkies lol .....any help on this please
Does anyone take amitriptyline and pr... - Restless Legs Syn...
Does anyone take amitriptyline and pramepexole and have effects

Hi I've mentioned this elsewhere but again Amitriptyline would the one I'd blame.
If you click on the treatment link on the left of the site below it should steer you in the right direction:
from site:
Antidepressant Medication
This class of medications should be used with caution in RLS patients. Antidepressants can worsen RLS symptoms more often than help them.
Amitriptyline is near the top of the list!!!
Amitripyline is renowned for triggering RLS and Drs are oblivious. I had the worst 2 nights when I was given it to overcome insomnia from Tramadol.
I mentioned this to my doc only last wk once again I got the hmmmmmm expression it does over ride my tablets for pramepexole and it's horrendous you take tablets that have been given thinking when bedtime comes you'll be able to sleep but can't but I need my amitriptyline for my fibro so it's a loosing game
Tara, i am sure there are other sufferers on here with fibro and i dont think they take amitriptyline . You could post your own post asking those who have fibro what do you take which doesnt make RLS worse. It might help.

Amitriptyline is what they give you for fibromyalgia my naproxen, tramadol ,n diazepam take the edge away but amitriptyline help me sleep but like previous peep have said it does interfere with rls meds ....swings n round abouts unfortunately

I have slip disc causing arthritis and spasms and that's another reason I take amitriptyline im falling apart at the seams lol .....I think no matter what you take when you've one illness and need meds but another illness where it may interfere ... thankfully I've been put on a high amount of amitriptyline and can say I sleep alot better x
I found that my rls increased to an every night joy rides which included my arms as well. The only change at the time was the dr adding more and more amytripyline. I took myself off, and added magnesium, melatonin 10mg, and lidocaine cream to both legs on really bad nights. All these helped tremendously.
(Lidocaine cream is by prescription in the US. It was ordered for my back pain but didn't help for that).
I have to take all my 3x 0.18mg tablets every night if I forget in in serious trouble because that's it once it's kicked in there's nothing to stop it in my feet,legs and arms.Ive suffered so long with it and still and times forget but I blamme fibromyalgia for that part anyone who has it I feel for them I really do because it's horrendous and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
Like you Tara , if I forget to take my tablets before the rls kicks in I know I'm going to be in for a bad night. It can take a couple of hours after I've taken them before I can have any relief. Consequently I always try to take my tablets with my evening meal.
Thats exactly the same as me tea time I take if I forget and take and i get a slight sensation in my legs then I know I've taken them to late.I have about 2/3 baths thru the night too try and ease it falling asleep in bath scares me thou as your so drained and just want to sleep but this evil won't go away I'm sympathise with you it's a horrible condition x
I take pramipexole every evening and it usually prevents my rls starting but I do still experience it sometimes other times of the day. I know that if I take my tablets too early though that I will certainly suffer in the evening, which prevents me from getting to sleep.
Yeah there definitely a tablet to take tea time as like you said if take too early it fades by bedtime