I wondered if anyone with RLS has taken a long plane journey. I am particularly interested if your RLS if affected by how hot your legs are. Mine are, but not totally, but the RLS kicking always starts if my legs get warm and a cooler I use does reduce the frequency. However, it's a proverbial pain trying to transport the cooler, (consisting of a cooling machine and circulation mattress, together with an extension and adaptor), to the destination. It was difficult trying to sort things out for a cruise, all I wanted was official permission to take the contraption on the ship.
Soon I am going to have to take a long trip (at least 10 hours). The plane won't have any socket for me to plug the cooler into so I can try an sleep. I wonder what the authorities in America are like. I have never been to the USA and have been told that they can treat us Brits as "terrorists".
If anyone knows of any way I can cool my legs down on a long flight without needing a socket to link to electricity could you let me know? Alternatively, if you know of any contraption that works like a cool gel pad, but does not retain the heat, I'd be grateful.
Thanks, Lindy14