Hi all am new here -I feel like I have something tied tightly round my thigh and pain in leg up to that point need sleep don't know what to do
feels like a band round leg - Restless Legs Syn...
feels like a band round leg

See your GP and ask for a referral to a pain clinic or see if (s)he will prescribe an opioid to help. I find my RLS causes severe crippling pain to me.
Targinact is oxycondone that has been passed for treatment of RLS in the UK so it might be worth mentioning that.
Hot baths might bring some temporary relief too.
Good luck,

Thanks - I saw my Gp have pramiprexole ad codeine - not working though
Bath didn't help- if anything it got worse
What doses are you on. I am taking a combination of tramadol, Targinact and the Neupro patch and I am still restless F**K me but I can't seem to get anything to halt this nightmare

Bless you ..... does rls cause the band feeling? When I 1st had this walking around eased the symptoms but not any more
Pramiprexole - 0.125mg - 2 tabets
30 mg codeine
I have gabapentin but the doc doesn't want me to take it because I got depressed and he thinks it may be side effect of gabapentin Have a lot of stress - changing job, family probs etc - does that increase rls?
I don't get a band feeling pain wise its a burning/jagged pain I can't properly describe the urge to move and I've had this my whole life!

Thanks for replying .... Ive had RLS over 30 years but it wsnt this painful before how do you manage?
In a word - drugs! I currently take a load as mentioned, (and to add insult to injury my body was jumping about like a Kangaroo on speed last night and am exhausted - but calm tonight).
Hot baths work for me but only really while I am in them and it has to be very hot. I used to walk up and down the stairs on my tip toes but since developing ME I don't have the energy.
I no longer work due to ill health but when I did it was such a struggle staying awake at work when I may have only had a couple of hours sleep over the week!

Yea am still working full time but its so hard when I don't sleep !! ALso worried abut driving when taking so many tablets
Yeah its just one thing after another. Between the tiredness/exhaustion from the RLS and the sedation from the drugs we are at such risks of accidents.

Thanks ....I saw my GP they said '' I have to learn to live with it'' and sent me to a wellbeing team for CBT !! I then saw a neurologist who said the pain isn't due to rls but he didn't know what it was due to ..................... Hot bathes make it worse - cold helps more considering seeing someone privately as am getting desperate for help
Remember some times GP stands for Great Prat. Have you the ability to see another Dr in the practice? Can you change G.P or ask for a 2nd opinion. A good Dr can make a hell of a difference.
Not restless legs- sounds much more serious- but if a doctor has examined you- then what can I say.
Keep an eye on it and go to Emergency if it gets worse - changes colour or lose sensitivity in the leg.
Hi oolala are you sure you have RLS...? You have to have a urge to move your legs.

Hi yes - I do move to try to relieve the pain but wheras before if I walked the pain would be less - it doesn't really change much now- not sure if that's just because the pain is much more severe

Hi oolala
I do not know for sure if you have RLS or not but the following is taken from the RLS-UK website rls-uk.org and is a a pretty sure way of knowing if you have been given the correct diagnosis by your GP.
The European journal of neurology reported a new single question for the rapid screening of RLS in the neurological clinical practice - "When you try to relax in the evening or sleep at night, do you ever have unpleasant, restless feelings in your legs that can be relieved by walking or movement?“. This question has 100% sensitivity and 96.8% specificity for the diagnosis of RLS.
It is recommended that patients with RLS are given the following tests by their medical practitioner, as a minimum:
•Serum ferritin: RLS is frequently associated with iron deficiency.
•Renal function: RLS may be associated with renal failure.
•Other investigations for underlying possible cause include fasting blood glucose, magnesium, TSH, vitamin B12 and folate.
•If the neurological examination suggests an associated peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, electromyography and nerve conduction studies should be undertaken.
Thanks for taking time to reply to me - it used to be relieved by movement - but not really any more I do have low folate but my Gp said that wouldn't cause RLS
Thanks ... I asked the GP if the symptoms were related to low folate and if taking folic acid would help relieve symptoms - he said no nothing to do with rls ... and just kept saying '' you need to eat spinach ''