In addition to RLS the bottom of my feet burn and are uncomfortabe, which give me more misery than the RLS Any advise? Have used Aspercreme, exercised them, and run a strong vibrater on them. Nonthing helps.
RLS with burn and uncomfortabe feet p... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS with burn and uncomfortabe feet problem.

Hi,have you been tested for Neuropathy? X
Yes, very much so. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, hopefully, I can find out and get something for it. Will reply tomorrow after I find out.
Hi margann1932, how exactly do they 'burn' could you describe the sensation as 'pins and needles' like? IF it is more pins and needles like I would be thinking of peripheral neuropathology:
although you can have a burning sensation. Causes of it are here:
so you can check if you are in the higher risk categories.
My feet burn on occasions and it gets uncomfortable, not sore and I end up with them in basins of cold water - really cold! It is not a constant thing nor is it as bad as the rest of the symptoms I have so I don't really bother too much about it.
If its distressing I would see a Dr.
Good luck.
Yes I have severe foot pain also r l s. I have a Relaxis pad that is a vibrator specifically designed for r l s . Very expensive but has given me a lot of relief. I also take Temazepam at bedtime and with the pad, I am asleep in no time and stay asleep all night. Relaxis offers a trial period of 30 days and if you like it, a rebate of $100,oo, or money back