has anyone tried Horizant?
horizant: has anyone tried Horizant? - Restless Legs Syn...

No I haven't tried it as it is not available in the UK but I have tried Gabapentin and Horizant is basically slow release Gabapentin.For me it didnt do a thing for my legs but have heard of others say it helps, Are you trying it?
pippins; i haven't tried it yet can't aford the med. i'am on. my ins. won't pay any on it. it's $329.00 for 30 day supply here in USA. it would probably be like all the other i've tried. even if it was a 50-50 chance of helping to much$$$. i was curious to see if any one had tried it. thanks oldblue
for the last 3 or 4 nites. my feet ( mainly my left ) have been aching and burning. wonder if it's the rls. oldblue
My insurance would not pay for it either...it is called a "step therapy" drug. You have to get your doctor to prove to them that you have already tried many other options (basically all the cheaper drugs...ReQuip, Mirapex, regular gabapentin) before they will approve it. (It would have been $785 without ins, and is still $60 with insurance but I can deal with that if it works...I had spent that much in the last few weeks trying oils, creams, teas, etc with nothing working). The doc's office had to call the insurance company and get a special form to fill out, and then insurance approved it. I have been taking an opiate that stopped working, and had to get that out of my system so I could start the Horizant. I have literally not slept more than about 5 hours in the past week while I "detoxed," for lack of a better word. I took Horizant for the first time last night. I took it at 6:00 and by 7:00 my legs had stopped jumping. I slept through the night with only one little episode of RLS a about 2am. I got up and walked around for a few minutes and went back to sleep. Seems to be a miracle...no grogginess this morning, like I had been warned about...just a slight headache. I can deal with that if it works this well. I don't like the idea of taking it so early...I have work events and other activities at night. I guess it is because it takes so long to get out of your system. But that part of it won't work for me.
Yes, I am on it now and it is very expensive. At first it worked for the RLS.
I am in my 5 or 6th month and it has stopped working. I tried them all ( meds) and don't know where my doctor take's it from here.
Has any one had success with Cannabis as a vapor? I have heard a good report.
Anyone with actual experience.
I am 75 and willing to try anything to get rid of my RLS.
I have just started it about 6 days ago. According to the literature it takes about two weeks to see benefits from it. I take 600 mg. at 5:00 PM. I think so far I am starting to see some benefits. I was starting to have symptoms around 11:00AM sporadicallty then later in the afternoon anywhere from 1PM to 2:30 PM they began to increase in severety and by evening were really bad. Since I have been on Horizant for about 6 days I do see some changes. Now the symptoms don't start until about 9:00 or 9:30 PM. I take a half of 5 mg. percocet in the evening then take a couple of more half of 5 mg. pills which usually help. But by 11:00 Pm they symptoms are still there. But as I say I have seen the symptoms start much later in the day than previous. So thus far I feel it may be working. Am praying that is the case
I have good insurance and paid only $11.00 for it. Not sure what the total price is.
just read your reply, thanks. i'am on medicare, supplement. it's been paying good.
Yep, tried it. Didn't do anything.
Does nothing for me. Taking 2 horizontal 300 with dinner. Does nothing. Tried Neupro 1mg gave me violent headaches. Then I tried Nurpro 2mg thinking may not give me headaches. Instead it made me super nauseated. Was miserable. All these med's are crazy expensive and don't work.