Hi folks anyone walking the floor,why is it things are going ok then for what seems no reason at all the legs start they are very painful so I think the best thing is to get up ,I am going out tomorrow now I am dreading it because I will be so tired ha ho
Sleep: Hi folks anyone walking the... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi, know how you feel I have had RLS seems forever & its very difficult to understand why RLS kicks in without any notice. My own theory is that RLS just doesn't like sleep, its like a naughty child not wanting to go to bed - doesn't help at all tho.
You must go out even if you don't feel like it now, you will feel better when you are out + happy at not letting your RLS/tiredness beat you.
Hope you have a nice time.
Thanks glosman ,I did go into town and had a nice time I treated myself yet again,what med are you on ? And does it work most of the time, this site is good don't you think x
Really glad you had a good evening.
I am on Ropinerole after having tried loads of other things, am finding that this generally works for me provided I remember to take it about 1 hour before bedtime, I then can get 5/6 hours sleep although its often not deep sleep its better than nothing. What about you??
I have had rls for 36 years so you can imagine what meds I have had ,most of them work for a bit then it's back again,since last Sep I have been on a Tramodol and Pregablin and norm they work bril hope it may continue
Hi Beady,
It's awful isn't it. Awake most of the night and then in a deep sleep when it's time to get up.. Hope you have a good night tonight. X
Hi, this is my first message on this site and I wonder if it's possible to pinpoint a single reason why we have this problem. I get the burning sensation from my toes right up to my arm pits when I am in bed so I don't sleep either. I have just found out that I have sugar in my urine. Has anyone else got this?. Also I get pains in my knees which seems to get worse in the mornings and which just lately is in my arms. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could find a common reason that we have this nightmare problem.
Rene there are two types of RLS, Primary RLS and Secondary RLS. Primary means its genetic, passed down from a parent. Secondary means you have an underlying condition which is giving you RLS. Burning sensations usually means nerve damage. Have you been diagnosed by your doctor with RLS..? Just asking.