Well I've been having serious trouble with sleep this last month since I've been diagnosed, and yesterday I had a review with my GP. As expected he wouldn't give me anything to help me sleep but he did increase my Ropinirole to 1mg. Guess who got the best part of 7 hours sleep out of 12?? Normally it would take 3 days to get than much!!
I've also had blood test for absolutely everything (including ferritin) done, so by the middle of next week I should have a few more answers....maybe a better plan on the table for treatment options. I did mention the Sertraline that I'm also on, and he was not concerned about that aggravating my RLS...yet...but he'll keep an eye on it based on what I tell him.
I've got a feeling I'm going to have to start keeping a diary, there's so much to remember now.