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Restless Legs Syndrome

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Fibromyalgia, Restless Leg Syndrome. Diabetes and ......................

jeannie3009 profile image
11 Replies

Hi everyone,

This is the first post that I have done so here goes,

I have Fibromyalgia, am Diabetic, have Restless Leg Syndrome, have osteo arthritis in my knees, shoulders,lower back, hips and ankles. I am really falling to pieces.

I have had RLS since I was 13-14 (then it was called growing pains) I am now 64 and over the last few years it has started to get worse, within 20 - 30 minutes of going to bed my RLS starts, this can go one all night. example - last night, bed at 10.30 up at 11.15 dozed all night may have had about 2 hours sleep. Over the past month I have probably had maybe 3 nights where I have slept most of the night. I take 900 mg of Gabapentin every day and also Pramipexole daily, they are not working for me now.

For my Diabetes I am on Insulin 3 times daily and Metformin tablets, my Blood glucose goes up and down all the time which leads to me having hypos. I have been on a diet for over 12 months but struggling to lose a lot of extra weight.

My Fibromyalgia is difficult to control, different temperatures and it flares up. I take Tramadol and paracetamol for the pain and Deluxetine and Morphine.

I have used Zopiclone sleeping tablets so I can get a good sleep but my RLS overrides the Zopiclone.

Can anyone advise me as to which tablets I can take which will relieve some of the pain.

I am looking forward to suggestions




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11 Replies

You might want to have a consultation with a physical therapist. They an use ultrasound waves to get heat deep down to loosen the joints up. They have tens machines and many other helpers. They can gently stretch your muscles. It would be rare for a physical therapist to push you beyond comfortable. They can realign your back and massage it when necessary. It's a perfect compliment to pain pills.

Hi as you are already on strong painkillers maybe you could try one of the dopamine meds which are mainly mirapex, requip or neupro patch.These help many people but keep the dose low .Maybe a pain clinic could help you if you don't already go to one

Your antidepressant may also be making your RLS worse but do not stop taking without medical advice and supervision

nightdancer profile image

The Duloxetine is an SSRI antidepressant and is high on the list for meds that will make RLS worse. Please see the treatment page on and scroll on down to see the list of Drugs and Foods to Avoid. SSRI's and tricyclic antidepressants are on the "no no" list for people with RLS. How long have you been taking that medication? Also, not getting good levels of sleep will make your insulin and sugar regulation go all over the map.

Pete-1 profile image

There does seem to be a drug interaction between Pramipexole and morphine rendering the Pramipexole less effective, try reading the following link

Regarding the RLS I would guess that you need a bigger dose of the Pramipexole. By the way Pramipexole is the same as Mirapex, Mirapexin and Sifrol, just different names for the same stuff. Also if there is an interaction with Morphine that makes the Pramipexole less effective then that is another reason to increase the dose. It might well help to take the Morphine and Pramipexole at different times of day, perhaps. Of course you should seek advice from those qualified to administer drugs. That is to say not me, I only have ideas based upon what I have read in HU and other pages sometimes.

Pat9 profile image

Hi Jeanette no wonder words of wisdom from me I am afraid however I am a year older than you and have identical symptoms to you.. I am on codrydamol and amytryptiline for pain and I rest to help the fibro.. very hard living with constant pain and fatigue just wanted you to know your not alone xx

I would maybe take a look at Kratom. At the moment as I have stopped most of the prescribed meds the only relief I get is from the Kratom. Check its legal status in your region and research a bit. I find it amazing that for the first time in my life I can sit at peace, (I am in my mid 40's).

Like all drug use caution and education are the watch words.

Best of luck.

I am a firm believer that your body does everything for a reason. One thing that may make a difference to all your troubles could be a serious diet switch. Not just a diet, but changing your lifestyle of eating completely and permanently. It's very hard with society the way it's become now with grain based diets the norm. You might want to seriously check into the LCHF (Low Carb Hi Fat) way of eating ( Bad carbs (sugar, refined flour products) are literally killing us, causing a lot of our chronic disease problems, obesity being the primary one, since that leads to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. And sugar and refined flour are all stimulants that will make RLS worse. (They turn to sugar immediately in your bloodstream.) If your doctor hasn't told you that you need to cut flour and sugar consumption way back, then shame on him/her! That's what causes insulin to be released, making you insulin resistant eventually, and that's what puts on the weight. Insulin moves fat into fat cells. My heart just goes out to people like yourself who are dealing with all this, because we have a medical establishment that doesn't know that our diet is what's causing the big end of all of it. If you are drinking carbonated drinks, you need to stop that yesterday! Fruit juices and sports drinks are all loaded with fructose as well, aggravating RLS and causing more weight gain. Caffeine is a stimulant too, so look out for anything with that.

We are surrounded by ads that promote whole grain as heart healthy. Whole grains are still carbs that will trigger insulin, it's just that it's a slower release, so you'll get just as much weight gain from them as from the refined version. The processed food companies are feeding us lies, not health. I hope you consider trying a switch to a low carb lifestyle. Weight WILL come off (I know, I've done it), and you may get some RLS relief too once you eliminate the stimulants from your diet. At least one lady online says her RLS disappeared once she switched to a diet heavy on veg and fruit, and not too much protein or carbs (an alkaline diet).

Your body responds to what you put in it, and our society is overtaken with processed food that your body just can't deal with. As they say, fast food places don't care about your health, they just want your money!! I really hope you find some relief. And now I can step down from my soapbox!

What i eat or drink isnt causing my RLS, that i am sure of. I am not over weight, i eat healthy foods. I dont eat in fast food places, or have take aways. I agree that SOME food and drink can be a trigger for RLS. But not for everyone. My RLS is inherited and that i have to live with. Unless some one out there can change the gene/genes that my father passed on to me.

Shoeinthree profile image

Hi Jeanette, sorry your having such a hard time, no one ever seems to be on the same meds, I do suffer with RLS. 24/7 and the pain is so terrible and at its worst it seems to slip into my arms, but my meds seem to allow me to just get by I am on 2 fentanal patches, OxyContin, zoplicone , and I just went off 2 patches of neupro, and found out yesterday I have severe sleep apena, the best thing you can have going for you is a good Dr, one who understands, your battling a lot of things , msg me anytime if you have any questions

kansaschai profile image

Hi Jeanette. So sorry for your conditions. I too suffer most of those. Not sure how long you have been on Pramipexole but we do build up a "tolerance" and have to raise the dosage periodically. Once I have done this a few times, I try to take myself off for a few weeks and start the dosage over. Pete is right about the drug interactions or just the drugs themselves. I was given a muscle relaxer for the Fibro pain and my legs went nuts! We are all so different. So, I take the muscle relaxer early in the day and sometimes double up on the Pramipexole at night if necessary.

Which pain is aggravating you the most? Maybe take on one thing at a time. For me, the fibro is worse due to the cold so I work with it. The muscle relaxers along with hydrocodone seems to help me the most. I'll be happy to see spring. I'd be happier to move to a warmer climate, lol!

Good luck!

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