Up again tonight, my Zolpidem don't seen to be working anymore....
Legs don't stop: Up again tonight, my... - Restless Legs Syn...
Legs don't stop

Hi, how long have you been on it?

Around 2 weeks, I only take half the tablet, It makes it difficult to walk round the house when you feel drunk..
There is a solution. I suffered 30 years and accidentally stumbled onto the use of the dopamine enhancing drugs and have had periods of readjustment, as the effectiveness of each drug waned, but if your neurologist is a believer in making their patients confortable, without the addiction or highs, it can be done.
3 months ago I'd have a good night and a bad night, so he added a 5mg methadone pill at 5 pm to my meds. Most nights I sleep 5 or 6 hours and am comfortable during the day. If at any time you are keenly aware of your limbs, your chemical imbalance is the cause. You are not manufacturing the neurotransmitters you need to be a complete human being. If your doctor won't add the known chemicals into your routine, then you need a different doctor. Ask to try a very small dose of methadone and see if it helps.
In the US only is methadone becoming a little more common to be used, but not in the UK. This is a UK based group, so we need to keep that in mind. I am from the US, and many others are, too, but most are from the UK. Things are very different from country to country.
I am seeing a pain specialist and neurologist in the USA. Both gave me some reading material on Methadone as a possible choice, not only for RLS but Neuropathy. I think that it's prescribed more for dual than it would be for single RLS or Neuropathy in the USA. Both had some good information about it being very effective for RLS. More is needed for neuropathy to be put under control. I have both RLS and Neuropathy... I would rather have neuropathy and all of it's wickedness of taking away mobility eventually because the pain can easily be controlled.. RLS is something that is hit or miss for treatment and it's looking like it will never leave me for long.
Windwalker, Methadone is not given in UK as a treatment for RLS
Zolpidem, or Ambien (brand name in the US) is only for insomnia, not for RLS. It contains nothing that will calm your legs down. Is that the only med you are on. It should help you doze off, although not tonight I am guessing.But, it in no way is supposed to help RLS, that urge to move. It is a sleep med. If your legs are playing up, the RLS will usually win over that med.
Yes, and usually then you are so over-tired from the pill that it makes RLS even worse. I've been there..they gave me that in the hospital to settle my legs down. I couldn't have pramipexole for some silly little reason..this was about 2 years ago. I was on pramipexole for a good six months and then they took it away suddenly. I was so over-tired.. I don't suggest that Zolpidem is the only treatment.
Welcome to the show Nightdancer.. Elisse, Pipp1ns and I are the three old crows on here according to Erona! lol. (the same ol' faces!) haha.

Hi Yikes, I tried pramipexole, but they made me so sick, that I couldn't sleep anyway, and it's hard to try they new drugs when you have to get up for work. I only work 4 hours a day in Administration but it's hard to trail yourself out when you have been walking around the house all night. I have some sort of peripheral neuropathy as well and the nerve pain is horrendous.
Oh did he now...!!! lol. I think we are more like three wise old owls.
Ha ha! X
If you have peripheral neuropathy, then your doctor should give you something for that pain. Yes, RLS meds do work, but not everyone gets relief from the same one. If your doctor is so clueless then you need to take as much info along with you to show your doctor.
Different meds work for different people. I am not sure what meds are available in Ireland, though. have you tried anything yet?
Nightdancer as it is Northern Ireland should be same meds available as in rest of UK.Southern Ireland may have different rules x