Following my appearance on GMB yesterday, reading Twitter/X (I know I shouldn’t) just goes to show how far we still have to go to educate ‘stupid, judgmental, naive’ people (although they probably can’t be). It’s really annoyed me to be honest, I know that’s silly. My son tried trolling some of the trolls back which I found quite funny, but it just seems to be falling on deaf ears. I hope that with all the coverage we are getting that suffer’s family’s and friends are more understanding of the impact of RLS and Dopamine Agonists. Sue
Twitter/X: Following my appearance on... - Restless Legs Syn...

Twitter X is one place i will not go to. Since it’s been open house to say whatever you want to. I a like your son i get angry at comments on other platforms and have to troll the trolls not about RLS but other stuff people can be so uneducated on many subjects. Don’t let them get to you Sue stay off X some people are blinkered you will never change their attitude.
They are ignorant idiots. They clearly didn't listen. It was clear that you were not a gambler before and the ICD stopped when you came off Ropinirole.But the trolls have nothing better to do.
Tell them that you will "Pray for them". And promptly block/ mute them.
This drives them absolutely senseless with dribblesome apoplectic rage.
You done well, Sue. That's good enough for me!💚☘️

Keep away from X. There are always vicious attention seekers there in the comments section who get their kicks out of posting offensive messages, to upset someone. Annoying, upsetting as it is, hold your head up high Sue. We all think you are wonderful and courageous to come forward to help others and we are grateful and indebted to you for all you have done to raise awareness. 🤗🤗
Aw wow thank you so much xx
Absolutely. I direct others to this RLS forum because I haven’t seen any place as informed as here, and you tirelessly answer everybody’s questions and have done so for years. For which many thanks.
I avoid twitter like the plague. Whenever I feel my blood pressure rising from an interaction, anywhere, I leave or block. It’s not worth it.
Ignorance is bliss 🙄Let's hope they never experience RLS, but, if they do perhaps an unknowledgable GP will prescribe a dopamine agonist .... what goes round comes round eh 😉
You were great and the exposure and publicity is really going to help. People will have seen the programme and realised they have RLS or maybe problems with DA’s and now realise they can do something about it and there is help out there. Well done!
I still haven't been able to listen to the programme, although I have read a synopsis.
Can you please remind me how I can listen to it.
Many thanks and well done.x
Scroll down this thread to watch on YouTube.
Don't give them any headspace. Otherwise they will take your peace of mind. You were wonderful.
I must listen to the U Tube.Thank heavens I don't know how to get onto X!!
Twitter/X is a cesspit full of perpetually angry people who would cause a fight in an empty room.
You were fab. Don't let them detract from the truth, which you very eloquently put across to millions!
Thank you, your appearance was excellent, you have done us all a great service. There are some really unpleasant people out there.
I thought you came across really well , how did you stay so chilled ?! I thought it was a shame they only talked about gambling and didnt even mention the other side effects. I guess its all down to "air" time. Well done .
Chilled ha ha not really but thank you. There was so little time, there is so much to cover in such a short space of time. I have potentially been asked to do something for Morning Live, hopefully that will give a bit more time x
Oh thats excellent news . It really feels that finally someone is listening to us , albeit for a few minutes !
Or maybe sensationalism for TV!! What fits their narrative of how they wanted to spin it. Gambling in and of itself is sensational subject!!! I didn’t even see the show and I’m in USA but I will watch I’m sure it will be worth every second!! Sue is a wealth of information and gives her all to this website and the many people suffering with RLS!! I know I am so grateful to have found the site years ago as well as Sue!! God bless her 🙏
It was great, Sue, thank you! It was short but edgy, a good start. Great they allowed you to say you hadn’t gambled previously despite being in a gambling environment, and also that the GP was able to mention the low dose opioids. It’s a shame about trolls but sadly the world is full of idiots.