fed up: I've been taking pramipexole... - Restless Legs Syn...

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fed up

maesllan5 profile image
22 Replies

I've been taking pramipexole 3 at night for nearly a year it stopped my RLS but I'm not sleeping at all:( and now I'm having suicidal thoughts! just not me, my doc not much help What to do?

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maesllan5 profile image
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22 Replies
Annieapple profile image

So sorry that your doctor is not taking you seriously. Some of the RLS medications can affect areas of the brain that control wellbeing, Although it is a rare side effect, suicidal thoughts can occur when mood is altered. Lack of sleep over a long period of time can make one feel life is not worth living.

CHANGE your doctor. You need to find someone who will take you seriously & get to the root cause of these feelings & HELP you.

Use a HELPLINE to talk your feelings through with someone.

Thinking of you & praying you will get some professial help.

maesllan5 profile image
maesllan5 in reply to Annieapple

thank you annieapple X

How strong are thoose 3 pramipexole you take? You should absolutely try to lowen the dose to avoid augmentation. Start to lowen with half a pill every other day.

maesllan5 profile image
maesllan5 in reply to

.088 and I try to do that but the legs really bad so back up to 3 in the evening

Gmc54 profile image

Definitely change your doctor! Explain to the new one exactly what you feel regarding suicide. If you get too desparate phone Samaritans. Lack of sleep and meds can meds can make you feel dreadful, I hope you get some more support.

maesllan5 profile image
maesllan5 in reply to Gmc54

thank you this is my 2ad doc, when in there I tend not to able to explain myself, well I've noticed on my prescription it's says I need a review, so I phone up asking and I'm told all is good so after nearly a year I've not had that review! My feller of 10 years is going with me next time & tell what my life is day to day. saying all that we are abroad till 13th Oct!!!! I'm not a person who talks but ever there for all. thanks again

in reply to maesllan5

Great idea to take your feller with you on your next visit. ! You need that review for sure. If the Pramipexole isnt working so well, then please do not let your doctor up the dose. It sounds as if you may have some augmentation, and upping the dose will only give relief for a while. I for one am pleased you reached out and asked for help on here. We might not have all the answers for you, but we sure can support you. :)

Sorry you are having such a bad time. Its the lack of sleep it is brutal and I understand it can make things seem hopeless at times.

Is there another doctor in the practice you can see? Take someone with you if possible to fight your corner .Do you have family or friends you can talk to about how low you are feeling? Let someone know.

Tha Samaritans are an excellent support especially during the night when you can feel so alone .The phone number is 08457 909090.Someone is there 24/7.

Although sleeping tablets aren't a long term solution as they loose their effectiveness over time sometimes just a short course can be really useful in situations like this just to get you thinking straight again.I have had them in the past just for 3 nights and its enabled me to get my thoughts in order and take a bit of control.

Sleep when and wherever you can no matter what time of day it is.Even grabbing half an hour helps.

Most importantly let someone know how you are feeling and seek professional help without delay.

Let us know how you get on .Sending you a hug ..kim x

maesllan5 profile image
maesllan5 in reply to

Hi I seem have let this go on for far to long! I will get some help my feller is coming with next visit, he has a very stressful job. as for talking to friends family I'm no good end sorting them and there problems, one nutty women! :) do try lie down in day when exhausted if I do drop off it's into mad dreams wake feeling worse. We are abroad till 13th Oct. that's nothing new we tend to up 6 months away a year. You guys are helping me. I look often to this site nots so good at engaging, more fool me! thank you Kim hugs back X

in reply to

Great reply P1pp1ns, I agree with you totally

I am worried about you, feelings of suicide are not to be ignored. Please see your doctor as soon as possible, let him/her know how you are feeling. I think you need to change the Pramipexole and try something else. I echo everything else that people have told you. See another doctor in your practice. We are all here for you. Please keep talking to us. x

maesllan5 profile image
maesllan5 in reply to

thank you all for response and will be taking on broad what your saying and I will keep in touch X

holly17 profile image

Hi there so sorry to read your problem and the nasty thoughts you are having, the lack of sleep can cause so many problems on top of all the others, have you spoken to anyone really close to you about this and you really should speak with another doctor. Come on as the saying goes chin up we are all with you on this one. Sending smiles down the line. Fred

connie50 profile image

hang in there maesllan5 I've been there myself & its not very nice its all down to lack of sleep (it was with me anyway) you have to go back to your GP & explain where you are,(is it a group practise?) because if it is ask to see another GP if the receptionist starts asking questions & why tell the truth tell her about the terrible thoughts your having & you are desperate to get something done about it ASAP, thinking of you, if you need to talk you can always get in touch with me I will send you my email address if you want to SUEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

maesllan5 profile image

Hi all thank you for your care lovely words of concern I did get up to 4 hours sleep last night : ) feel so much better today,


Windwalker profile image

Sleep deprivation cause suicidal thoughts. I know, I've been there. You must find a doctor you can talk to and find a solution. RLS needs of each one is different but it all is the shortage of dopamine neurotransmitters. if you don't make it you have to take a substitute that will fill the receptor without interfering with the melatonin transmitter--receptor relationship. You can get varying strength Melatonin tabs at a pharmacy and take one the first night and if you don't sleep take two and keep increasing until you sleep and get the wild ass dreams that comes with all these artifical chemicals.

in reply to Windwalker

Melatonin may not be a good sleep aid for those with RLS. It can actually trigger symptoms or make them more severe. How long have you been taking Melatonin? What other meds do you take that are not specifically for RLS? Any correlation between starting these drugs and the worsening of symptoms for you?

in reply to Windwalker

I just noticed that you take 5mg of melatonin. That's a lot of melatonin, especially for someone prone to RLS. Stop that and your symptoms may disappear completely or become mild and infrequent.

Windwalker profile image

I had severe RLS long before I ever took any Melatonin. I also was a very poor sleeper long before I had RLS.

I take what I take to stop moving and get 4 or 5 hours sleep out of 24 hours. I know I am taking enough stuff to harm my health in the long run, but we all die and I will take a few calm years, before I will take a lot of miserable ones. I am not trying to be flippant or vulgar, just direct to the point.

Hmmm, interesting. So you don't think the melatonin is making it worse? It was once mild, why did it take a drastic turn for the worse? Are you on anything else...statins, antihistamines, antidepressants? You don't mention any other illnesses so I assume you are hail and hardy other than the RLS. Windwalker, great name.

maesllan5 profile image

HI feeling lots better, nights of 4 and 2 hours or no sleep was broken last night had at least 5 hours :) (did have a smoke).. lots of work to catch up with! but happy to get on with it. I realize there's alot of you out there that have a real hard time with this condition, and seems to hit hard at times. This where you lovely guys come in :) can not thank enough for helping me through my wobbley wobble.

Bless you all XXX :)

in reply to maesllan5

Thats good to hear! We all have a wobble from time to time luckily theres always someone on here who understands and can help steady us again! Hope the better nights continue xx

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