Doctors have made a link between varicose vein diseases and restless leg syndrome (RLS). While the cause of RLS is still shrouded in mystery, it’s been proven that many patients with the condition also have vein disease.
Restless Leg Syndrome and Vein Health - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless Leg Syndrome and Vein Health

In May this year some scientist from Finland published a report that showed that RLS-patients has lower oxygen pressure in their feet than in their upper body and than the control group.
They don't know what to say ,and I can tell you I have my veins done only to have more come up by the side of the ones they striped out magnesium oil try it with help from doc. Beady3
Same here beady. I used to have the VV ops fairly regularly but have given up over the years. As you say, more appear. I must admit I have been wondering of late every now and again if I should go down that road again. I have other issues that I feel are more pressing at this time. My hands and feet are always cold too, presumably bad circulation. I have got used to it.
Well at last something to hope we all fed up with being zombies on all the so called medication half the time it's guess work my hospital and doctors are great but the don't know how you really feel unless you RLS your self yippie
The website belongs to the doctor who is saying there is a connection between RLS and Vein Health. I would like to see any studies done which proves what he is saying.
Yea agree now veins are not in your brain so how can there be a connection ?
I have been "googling" my butt off, and cannot find one scientific study that proves this at all. I would like to see some studies that are not from a vein clinic, advertising for patients. If anyone can find a proper study on this, I would welcome it, believe me. But, it would have to come from some place that is not pushing their own business. This site that is quoted as saying "Studies have proven" this, have no citations for a reference. I have also looked in all of my books and notes and nothing is helpful. The experts do not cite vein therapy as a valid treatment for RLS, but as a possible "mimic" for RLS. One doctor said he could not find one study, so I am not alone in that. It is one theory that has been around for years. This just proves that there is lot of research yet to be done on RLS, like increased RLS after surgery. There are no studies for it, but lots of ancedotal stories from patients saying their RLS ramped up after surgery, especially back surgery and knee surgery. I agree this is interesting, but nothing is proven about this yet, sad to say. You know us, we LOVE clinical studies with results that are neutral in nature.
I dont have any varicose veins at all but severe rls
same here, p1pp1ns
I have varicose veins very bad and have had most removed. I have RLS quite bad and take 1 1/2 Mirapex every night. There is no difference after having the veins removed. My vein Dr. doesn't believe there is a link. For the past 3 years my biggest problem is Neuropathy. Can't seem to get it under control. I find it hard to believe all three aren't related.