I failed miserably today.. bumming. - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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I failed miserably today.. bumming.

23 Replies

My legs are driving me nuts. No one in my family seems to get it

that I don't just pass out, my legs keep me up. I tried running slowly

mid day on lunch break yesterday.. no success. My legs were even more crazy.

I did slow stretches, wall walking on several occasions.. I broke down

crying in the morning today and called into work lying that I was sick.

There isn't a person at work that thinks that I'm right in the head..

when I told them about restless legs. They gave me such awful

replies on how to solve the problem...

The energy that I had from the vitamin B12 shots wore off. It never

did help with the restless legs. I seemed to have more energy to

climb the walls with my feet or to pace, walk outside at midnight..

The vitamin D3 didn't help me either..except a tiny energy kick.

I bought the Himalayan pink salt..used it for a salt scrub.. didn't

work for RLS but made my legs soft, smooth.. I don't eat salt on

anything but I will eat a pizza loaded with salt any day.

I changed up my diet for a month of eating fruits, veggies,

water in the blender then ate eggs, chicken legs for protein.

No change what so ever in my RLS. I lost too much weight

too fast from doing this even with the daily whole grain bread

slice with butter.

I'm just feeling like I'm at the end of my rope today. I'm not

in the mood to eat healthy or read, write, watch tv.. I feel

like a bum today with my hair tossed back from my morning

shower..no make up today.. I'm wearing sloppy clothes and

I didn't even brush my teeth today. (ugh!) It's 3:40pm...

and I have to make myself do something, anything today.

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23 Replies

Just goes to show, that whatever we think might help regarding vitamin taking changing diet etc etc, it doesnt work for most of us. Sorry that all your effort hasnt helped with your RLS. But at least you gave it a good go.

peterk profile image

Hi Yikes. Please don't give up. You are not the type too. My RLS is only just settling after a very bad period when I was away. I don't like it that I am totally dependant on a medication package. I massage my feet and legs, shower them, and do all sorts to try and calm them down. I eat healthiliy and yet all of us probably get to this low point. I know I have. My feet are bubbling away despite taking all of my medication. We just seem to get periods when they just seem to flare up. Try the massage and the shower or hot and cold compress and let us know how you get on. I hope that you see an improvement soon. Best Wishes

in reply topeterk

I'm going to have a massage by my 17 yr old daughter.

We are going to sit, watch a movie on the television

and massage each other's feet.

I'm scared with the sudden numbness in my feet. I'm seeing

the Neurologist on May 31st. They burn, they sting on tops

and I have no feeling on the underside.

My blood sugars are excellent. (they have been for years)

I check them and get a 3 month test from my doctor.

I had pre-diabetes at one time.

I was told by my GP that this is permanent from her experience.

thedragon profile image

Oh yikes...I am so.sorry you are feeling this way. But I know exactly how you feel. It's so horrible when you try everything you can think of and nothing works. I have spent so many days slobbing around , doing nothing , achieving nothing in my day and feeling bad, that I wonder of its worth it. It just feels like a waste of life! But honey keep going , one day something might help. There must be a reason for all this...if only for us to learn compassion for others with these weird stupid illnesses. Share with us and we can All keep each others going.....sending you love across the miles x x x

in reply tothedragon

Love ya too =)

Dear Yikes, I recognise your struggling with this horrible RLS, especially when you have tried everything and nothing seems to help. I hope you're feeling better very soon, I wish you all the best trying and that the people surrounding you have a bit understanding!!

arjay profile image

I'm sure you've tried it but a hot bath works for some people. By hot I mean as hot as your can stand it, adding more hot water when you're in it. It seems to have them same effect as a cold flannel on your forehead when you have a headache. Hope this helps. Be strong.

Gonzo123 profile image

I know exactly how you feel nothing seems to help and you just cannot get rest because your legs and arms muscle spasm and won't let you sleep. Worst thing that has ever happened to me.

patchworker profile image

My legs are under control now, thanks to pramipexole, but I do remember the misery of trying to get through the days after half an hour's sleep.

What helped me a bit was a large coke bottle filled with cold water, at the bottom of the bed, to keep my feet cold. I took my cold water bottle every where I went, including hospital. The nurses thought I was crazy. And when they found out I walked round half the night they were sure I was crazy!

in reply topatchworker

I take 3 to max dosage of Pramipexole every day of my life.

I think that it's the start of augmentation. I tried breaking up

the dose by taking 2 in the morning before work, 1 on my

lunch break and then the other two at night. No help. My

legs can start in two hours after that final morning hour when

I can actually sleep.

Now more recently, I am taking one at 10am and one at

5pm so I can at least sit through the dinner hour. The rest

of the family is eating good meats, soups, yummy potatoes

and I have my greens. I'm starting to resent that a lot. This

diet isn't working well and having just a spoon full of what

they are having just makes me want their dinner more and more.

It didn't work to help me with RLS as I read about, was told about.

I was told to add more colored veggies to my diet today by a

well meaning nutritionist. Spinach and mixed greens (mostly

dandelions) offer magnesium in large doses. So while

others are trying to kill off dandelions, I'm outside cutting them

to remove the green leafs to have for dinner.. My goodness

they are bitter! Magnesium is wonderful for RLS, I am told.

I mix them with Watermelon which is a natural anti inflammatory

food. I'm told it balances the bitter taste of the dandelions.

I regret ever starting up on Vicodin. It's taking more and more

of it to get the same "settle the legs down" effect that I had'

when I started it. My doctor's prescription that he gave me

no longer works like it used to... I'm ready for a higher

grade prescription...which will be very, very difficult for

my doctor to Okay it and even if he does...the same thing

will happen... I will get used to it and it will become less


I never wished so much to have a nerve block... I would give

up 3 days of using my legs to get that... the kind of block that

they give to mommies in labor. At least I would sleep. At least

my legs would settle down.

I would give up 10 yrs of my lifespan to try out a cure...

That's how much I am affected by this!

Meanwhile my legs are bubbling or fizzing already. I finished

work for this memorial day holiday weekend. Sleep would

be my dream come true. Still legs would be a true gift from


Karen ~USA (Wisconsin)

genorm profile image

I know how you feel - I guess we all do. When nothing works you feel beyond desperate. A very warm bath helps a bit for me, but then in bed I don't want heat. I splashed out on a chillow, but couldn't keep still enough on it and it just got in the way. The 'natural route' or vitamins stuff didn't work for me either, but don't give up. We have to believe that a cure is imminent. Carry on slobbing out, we have to get through in whichever way we feel. Take care, yikes x

in reply togenorm

Never once did that work for me. I must be a weirdo.. (laughing out loud)

I try that often as I can.

blacknwhitecat profile image

Have you tried quinine.....I am in the US again now & can get 'Leg Cramp' tabs...they are WONDERFUL.......I can send you a lil' bottle if you want to try them out ?!

I was driven up the wall till I found these in the US, my poor Father walked the floors in the UK for years in the 50's 60's & 70's...I WISH I could have tried these out on him !

in reply toblacknwhitecat

I have to ask my doctor. I thought that it was illegal in the United States.

I've heard such great things about it until articles started reporting

that it causes problems with the heart. = /

I told my doctor that I was so desperate for rest and still legs that I

would hit the streets looking for drugs. That's when we had a longer

talk and I was put on Vicodin... a serious regret of mine. (reasons

given above)

Rubylane25 profile image

I really feel terrible for you. Here in Canada they are finally really appreciating that RLS is a very real thing and terrible to live with. Personally I haven't found that anything herbs

or yoga or acupuncture work. I have tried all the non medical treatments and they did nothing.

Here the most Common medical treatments are either Pramapexole or its generic mirapex, requip or Sinnemet. I have used them all and they all give me relief. Mirapex I found works the best but as I have mentioned there can be major side affects.

The fentanyl does work but it is not a great option bring it is a very strong narcotic but.....to be honest I would deal with any of the side affects rather than deal with my RLS. I get it I n my back and arms as well as my legs!

in reply toRubylane25

People on here made me interested in Fentanyl so much that I

started searching online and then put in a call to a personal friend

of mine who is a Nurse Practitioner.. she told me that it's the very

last resort in Wisconsin, anyway... because people with Apnea..

could lose their life and it's so strong that people who didn't have

apnea have episodes.

She told me to take warm baths, add very heavily weighted blankets,

Sleep alone! Have sex, Don't eat for 2 hours before bed (or drink)

to read in the bathtub for as long as I can stand it...

I put up darkening window panels so zero light can get into my bedroom,

I use a fan... and she told me to ask my doctor about herbs and

that I should be on an anti inflammatory diet with raw foods.

I'm doing that and it changed nothing!!!

I just want to cry really hard again (here comes the tears) I am

so, so frustrated with the way that my life is going without sleep

and I mean restful sleep! If I increase my Vicodin more on my own,

it would be the stupidest move I could make. I will be out then

before half of the month is over..they have Tylenol in them!

Dont give up, on a good note e major, or is f flat a better note,

haveyou heard the bird , he tweets most notes , i prefer the chirpy ones.

if this had a sound option I would send you something tweety,

direction says dont give up the running if you must try cycling,,,,less pressure to joints and muscles?

didyou try the tonic before your main meal?

Secretgarden, Thank you. =)

I really appreciate your support when I feel like other's

are thinking that I am making this up so I can get

disability pay.... I don't want to quit my job. I love it with

a passion.. but not on days when no sleep was had the night

before or the night before that night. (like now)

I do have a 3 day holiday with my kids and husband. Eventually

I will fall asleep.

thedragon profile image

Hi yikes ....how are you doing? X x x x

in reply tothedragon

I slept, I slept, I slept. 9 hours. Vicodin induced.

I feel totally different today.

I was so tired that I prayed not to stop breathing.

My head was pounding so hard that I thought I might

go double on my Vicodin and did so.

No headache today... just have so much to do today

on my day off from work. The house needs tidying and

the dog needs to go to the dog park with me to socialize. =)

I slept just okay for 4 hours straight. That's enough to re-gain my sense

of composure. Thanks for asking.

I want to nap so much today... it's 74 degrees with bright sun outside.

The leaves and flowers are blooming open.

There's a light breeze coming over the lake.

It's an incredible weekend over in the states here, parades and

fireworks, parties, concerts go on all weekend plus the Monday

holiday. Gun shots go off to remember those who fought to make

America free. The entire town smells like a Barb-B-Que..

I feel like I will lessen the fun for my family. I'm in a drab kind of

mood for lack of sleep.. It's not a party mood for me.

My kids are all coming home (older ones who are married) to

eat here at my house before we set off to the lakeside for the


Maybe the sun will do me good. (yep, I wear sunscreen)

cancanlegs profile image

Hi Yikes, I ve just red your blog Bloody hell you sound in a bad place. I red u lately have managed some sleep "thats great news" and will take the edge off a little. I wonder if you have tried talking to your boss?take in some research, tell him what your doctor suggest, be honest how it makes you feel, as not everyone will be a judge. Maybe you need some time, reduce ur hours for a short while? as it sounds like u have tried every thing else??"when I am realy bad I do not lay down to sleep but sit up as if in a chair with your feet on the floor, after a while I do start to drop off to sleep with limited kicking of the legs". stretching and walking, massageing even sitting on my legs to reduce the blood flow where no help. I got to stage where the thought of goin to bed was a JOKE and u do feel like u r goin around the bend...I hope u can find some peace,I will pray for u. let us know how u get on and Im ere if you need to talk.

I'm going to the neurologist in 12 hours.

Tonight my legs are doing pretty good but I'm awake late

doing paperwork.

I am going to stop working for the time being. I gave my 2 week

notice that I am done. =) Financially, that might not be the best choice

but I am going to learn to cut corners and budget a little bit tighter.

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