Told me he didnt have a pot of tea. fibber!
AH AH! I think i spotted Pete,: Told me he... - Quit Support
AH AH! I think i spotted Pete,

He looks more like me than i do !!
anyway only got a little one !!
Morning Jillygirl, i see your up bright and early as usual, and cheerfull with it,
You had it easy yesterday didnt you, huh i think its about time you went a scooting again gal
Sounds like a wee bit o jealousy there Jillygirl, that'll please Pete. Anyway he deserves it as he works hard. weemikec
Hi Mike, think your right there. How are you doing I hope your still keeping positive.
I dont know if you noticed but I may be joining you on th NRAS site, get the results next week off the doc. You certainly have had it rough have`nt you. chat soon. take care.
Hi Jillygirl, like this site, NRAS is very good, everyone cares, no-one judges, just offering advice, support and listening really does help you get through the awful times.. I trully do hope your results are good Jillygirl as it's an awful illness as i've found out personally so bad that i would'nt wish it on anyone else, ever. ps I think Pete enjoyed his deserved tea< slurp slurp. weemikec
Hiya Pete, I am coping thanks and it's good to hear from you too. I was allergic to the patches Pete, swollen skin, very sore and very itchy etc, but stuck at it for a month as i am so wanting to stop. Have to start from square one again as advisor said my allergic counteracted the benefit. Trying than spray and not had an actual cig for 2 whole weeks but it's got me climbing up the wall still. How are you coping and did you enjoy the tea? weekiec

Hey weemikec, why not pop on over to our daily chat?
Is it the mouth spray or nasal spray that you are using?
Going for 2 weeks without smoking is fantastic. We just have to help you to see that it will get easier for you