Anyone else feel they could physically hurt s... - Quit Support

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Anyone else feel they could physically hurt someone ??

8 Replies

It's been 48 hours since I had a cigarette and I'm extremely stressed !!! Have cried a bit and really could punch someone !!! Anyone else going thru this ?? How long will it last ??? Please help !!!

8 Replies
Leanne2012 profile image
Leanne201229 Months Winner2 YEAR WINNER

Hey, it is really stressful trying to give up! It helps to try doing something else when you feel like a cigarette as it will take your mind off the urge! Might sound really weird but I used to turn the music up really loud and dance around for 10 mins like a fool then I was to tired to think about one or be stressed haha hope it stops for you

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning, Bridgetjones, let me introduce myself. I am jillygirl, The answer to your question is yes, I think most of us feel like that. Like Leanne says it helps to keep yourself busy. I use a inhalator for times like that. Like I suggested to Leanne yesterday, have a browse through some of the questions and blogs, I think you will find similar people to yourself. Emjay our advisor will be on later on this morning and I am sure she will be able to help you.

Well done in taking the first step to quitting, you can do it. :)

andi22 profile image

Hi Missbridgetjones, Andi here and welcome to our community. You have come to the right place for help and support. Leanne has only just joined us and I think she's got a really good solution there, (especially if you're on your own! :( ) Those first few days are really tough - are you taking any nicotine replacement therapy (nrt) ie patches, lozenges etc.?

You can spend some time looking through the archives to find out how some of the rest of us have been getting on with our quits. It's always to go out for a walk as well to divert your mind a bit and get some fresh air.

Anyway, well done on taking the first few steps and it will get easier, i promise you. :)

We look forward to chatting with you on our daily blog where you can share your ups and downs and get our help and support.

Good luck, Andi :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good morning MissBridgetjones, its nice to see you here gal, I'm Pete, well done to start with, for taking the plunge and quitting, the first week was definitely the hardest for me gal, and i use patches and an inhalator for the bad times, you dont say whether you use anything to help you or not !!

Tell you what i used to do at the beginning, used to go into my garage and shout my head off at the lawnmower or what ever else was there, didnt half givem hell, and it helped me :) also i have a rowing machine which i used to go mad on, just to get it out of my me :D

I was just wondering if you have a shorter name, cus i can only type with 2 fingers, and it takes me ages, if you see what i mean :o

As Jillygirl said Emjay and Claire will be around in a bit, they are our supporters :)

Erm just a thought, if you look on Emjays blogs she's got some breathing exercises to do when you get the cravings, i will go and see if i can find them for you, see you soon Pete :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya again, found Breathing exercise 1

Breathing Exercise (1) To help calm a craving down...

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE 3 Jul 20121 commentReport

Cravings lead to irritation and sometimes panic, causing the quitter’s mind to speed up. When this occurs, concentrating becomes hard. Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.

This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus.

Follow the simple stages described below;

With your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, inhale deeply and slowly to the count of eight.

As you breathe in, push your stomach out.

Hold your breath for the count of four.

Breathe out slowly to the count of eight.

Repeat the cycle five times.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

This is breathing exercise 2, this one helped me alot to start with, dont know whether you have a cough yet or not !! speak soon Pete :)

Breathing Exercise (2) How to cough up what's not supposed to be there!

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE 21 May 20124 commentsReport

When you first stop smoking, you may feel that you have more phlegm and mucus on your chest. This may cause you to feel a bit rattly and as though you need to 'cough something up'... Doesn't sound very nice, I know but this is a good sign.

At the end of the day, you are only coughing up what is not supposed to be there!

1. Stand up with your legs your shoulder width apart.

2. Put you hands on your hips.

3. Take a long, deep breath in through your nose - Very slowly.

4. When you feel like you have taken your fill of air in, take another little bit more.

5. Keeping your hands on your hips, slowly bend over forward. As you do, blow your breath out slowly through your mouth. Making a blowing noise as you do.

6. When you have pushed out that final bit of breath, stand up and give a gentle cough.

Repeat this 3 times.

Because you are not used to all this good clean oxygen, you may feel slightly dizzy - This is just an oxygen rush. However, if you are not used to it, then please have a comfy chair at the ready.

EmJay profile image

Hello Missbridgetjones, welcome to our friendly on-line stop smoking community where you'll meet others going through the same as you :-)

Stopping smoking can do some funny things and you may find yourself in situations that in the past, you would generally just shrug your shoulders and think 'so what?'... however, when you have stopped smoking and craving start to set in, then the slightest thing can set you flying off the handle. I remember when I first quit, being asked by my ex-partner what the time was... "Do I look like I have a watch on?" was what I snapped back at him with. This was really out of character for me as I am quite an easy going person and all I could think was "what a stupid question"!

It only takes 2 days for nicotine to leave your body, unless you are using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) which then you will be receiving enough just to curb these feelings. Now that you are in your 3rd day of stopping, you will probably find that other cravings may start to creep their way in, again this is to be expected but it is really important that you see it as a positive thing. You're body is starting to recognise that you are not filling it with all those poisons and toxins that you used to as a smoker. If you were to carry on smoking, then you wouldn't feel this way :-)

Have a read through the following link and see if this helps you to look at cravings in a different light;


You have had some fantastic advice already from some of our lovely members, breathing exercises really will help you to overcome cravings.

Let us know how you are today and if you are using any form of NRT, we'll then know which is the best advice to give you.

So, feeling this way can be pretty normal - just as long as you don't follow it through :-/

Remember to stay positive. The feelings may come and go but will generally only last minutes at a time. However, if you stick at it, it won't last forever.

Nobody says that it would be easy, but everybody says that it is worth it :-)

Lenne profile image

All the time. Every single day, even if it's only for a few minutes. So, I got myself one of those kickboxing things and started to pound ten tonnes of cr** out of it! Not only does it get the anger out of your system but it gives you a good workout. It's nearly 3 months since I quit, and my lungs went from really horribly bad (walking down the stairs did me in) to an hour of punching and kicking- might think about taking up kickboxing or karate soon I feel so healthy (physical health anyway) ;)

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