Hello,just writing to get things off my mind today,feeling very dad has had cbd for 8 years and i miss him so much. He just fought off a nasty bought of pneumonia and im afraid that this will cause a sudden decline. Any1 else experienced this?x
CBD: Hello,just writing to get things off my... - PSP Association

Hi my husband had cbd he passed away on the 14th from pneumonia cbd is a cruel illness it took everything from him except his smile remember your dad as he used to be not as the illness has made him take care
It may be less likely if he was fairly strong beforehand but time will only tell. These are very gutsy people and can spring surprises. Try to be positive for him and get everything you can eg physiotherapy.
I know that having to have anathesia for surgery PSP and other dementia patients don't recover well back to where they were. I verified this with a relative who is an anathesisologist. Perhaps the same decline after recovering from pnumonia or other such ailments does the same. Not sure. Hang in there we are with you.
BUT i have jus t(4 weeks ago) had a 1 and half + horu operation for breast cance radn lymph node removal and wa sfine unde rthe anaesthetic.
i had av sore throat after wards as i ha d a tube down mhy throat cos of possible swallowign problems iwth th PSP
SO there is a way fwd
i did not even have the usual headache post -anaesthetic and was onlhy tkaign painkillers fo rthe next few hours
lol Jill
Thankyou for your replies,i think because he had been at same stage for a while we got a bit complacent. This sight is a godsend and although i often read all the posts i dont post myself as it makes me a bit nervous lol. Love to all.x
hiya, my nan has had CBD for 5 years now and she is in hospital at the moment with pneumonia which has been very worrying for the whole family. I went to see her a few days ago and it was difficult to see her in that way and i hate the fact that she has this horrible illness but it was lovely that just by being there and bringing my son to see her she was smiling and laughing even though she is not well. It does make a difficult situation easier to handle. I wish you and your dad well and I hope it does not cause a rapid decline
Hello,sorry to hear you r going through it aswell. is she home now? we r keeping him on his side now as he doesnt sound so chesty. getting married next week but wish i wasnt now as i cant muster up any excitement when we r in this situation. That sounds awful but its how i feel. hope your nan kicks the pneumonia into touch.xxx