CAMERA DOWN THE THROAT: Hi all, Can any... - PSP Association

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ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all,

Can any body give me any info on haveing a camera

stuck down your throat, i have been told by my gp

that i will have to go in to hospital in the next couple

of weeks to have the camera put down to see whats

causeing my stomach trouble, There is two ways they

can do it they numb your throat with spray or put you

out can any one advise me on which one is best thanks

for any info you can give,

kind regards


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ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
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29 Replies

Hi Ray

I had this done many years ago when I was 13 or fourteen years old. I had neither the spray nor was I put out for the procedure. I managed to swallow the tube at the second attempt. Fortunately they have progressed since then and you have two choices. I suppose it depends a lot on how nervous you feel about the whole process.

If you are the calm type you could opt for the spray and not have the after effects of anaesthesia. At least now they are trying to get to the bottom of your problem.

My very best wishes


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to

hi lina.

hope your keeping well thanks very much for

the info i think if im awake while they do it i am

going to gag i know i will but i will wait and see

what they have to say befor makeing my mind up

take care,


in reply to ray-wiffen-1958


I think yours is a wise decision.

Kind regards


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to

hi lina,

hope your keeping well just a quick update about

haveing the camera down i have a appointment

to have it down thursday 15 sept i recived all the

paper work the other day they have changed the

way its done now the endosopes are a lot slimmer

now so they are now able to guide it through the

nose and into the gullet,and they just use anaesthetic

spray to numb the nose so that doesnt sound quite as


take care


jillannf6 profile image

hi Ray

how r u despite the stomach probelms?

i had the same procedure a few uears ago and it was difficult to swallow the thing b4 the swallowign problems i now haave with psp

so i would suggest the anaesethetic fi you r at all nervous about it

itis a short procedure so the anaesthetric wouod not have to be too much

love jill

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to jillannf6

hi jill,

hope your keeping well im not to bad thanks apart

from the stomach trouble and i seem to have lost

alot of my strengh i dont know if its conected to

the other probs im haveing or not but im going to

the psp/cbd clinic at addenbrooks in a couple of

weeks time so i will see what dr rowe has to say thanks

for the info you take care

luv ray

hmfsli profile image

Hi Ray,

Haven't had the experience myself but have seen it done several times in the course of my work. My observation is that it depends how strong your gag reflex is. All of the ones I have observed the patients have had the spray and most were fine. There were one or two people who had a strong gag reflex and become quite distressed but were able to go ahead without anaesthetic. Wait and see is probably the best option.


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to hmfsli

hi hmfsli,

hope your keeping well i tend to gag when i put food

or drink in my mouth with out concentrating so i dont

know what i will be like haveing that put down there

but we will wait and see thanks for the info take care


Pinda profile image


I have watched my friend have this done and I would recommend having a sedative, if it it was me.She was nervous and gags easily and it still makes you gag but you are not really aware and she could not remember any of it.

Good luck

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to Pinda

hi pinda,

hope your keeping well i tend to gag very easy

even when i eat or drink so i dont know weather

they let you try the spray first and if that dosent work

perhaps they will knock me out thanks for the info

take care


Pinda profile image
Pinda in reply to ray-wiffen-1958

you would have to ask, but knowing several people who have had it done , go for the sedative,especially if you gag easily already.

Take care

kay1 profile image

Have the sedative! You will be cared for whilst recovering from it, the gagging is an awful experience, even though you recover more quickly. Hope it all goes well for you Ray and that the problem can be solved for you.


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to kay1

hi kay,

hope your keeping well i think your right i gag

very easy since ive had cbd my throat is not as

strong as it was thanks for the information you

take care and have a good day,

ray xx

SheilaN profile image

Hi Ray. I've had this done two or three times and each time I had a light sedative. I woke up afterwards very naturally, just like waking from normal sleep and no side effects at all. I'm sure you'll be fine.Try not to worry. Mind you if the doc appears with a Fuji camera on a tripod I'd have a word!!!! SheilaN

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SheilaN

hi sheilan

hope your keeping well if the doc appears with a tripod

and camera i wont be bending over in front of him just

in case he dont know which end its going in lol, Did you

get a choice of sedative or spray or do they decide thanks

for the info you take care,


SheilaN profile image
SheilaN in reply to ray-wiffen-1958

No I wasn't given a choice. I lived in Germany at the time, maybe they just use sedatives. My husband also had one looking through his rear end and he had nothing beforehand....watched the pictures and chatted to the doc throughout the entire proceedings! Take the sedative!!!

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SheilaN

hi sheila,

thanks for the info its much appreciated

and thanks for takeing the time to reply

take care,


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SheilaN

hi sheila,

hope your keeping well just to keep you

up to date i have just recived all the paper

work from the hospital ref camera down the

throat and i was very serprised how they now

do it, They now have very advanced endoscopes

which are slimmer so they can now guide the

endoscope through the nose and into the gullet

and they use an anaesthetic spray to numb the

nose so that sounds better take care,


SheilaN profile image
SheilaN in reply to ray-wiffen-1958

Hi Ray. You sound very reassured about the procedure, that's great. The wonders of modern science eh? You won't even have to go to Boots to get the pictures developed!

Take care


ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SheilaN

hi sheilan,

yes i am quite reassured about

the hole thing now as long as they

do what the paper work says ill be

ok, i had a camera stuck up my nose

and down my throat a couple of months

ago to look at my swallowing and that

was easy didnt even numb it lol thanks

for the reply take care,


SuzieQ profile image

Hi Ray

Sorry you are having stomach problems. My friend has just had an endoscopy and she doesn't have your swallowing problems. She had the spray but said that given a choice she would definitely have opted for an anaesthetic as it was not at all easy to swallow the tube. I know that ultimately the decision is yours, but thought one more comment from someone who has already had the experience, might help. Hope whichever you choose that it is over quickly and they can get to the bottom of your problem.

Take care..............SuzeiQ x

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SuzieQ

hi suzieq,

hope your keeping well yes my stomach problems

dont seem to be getting any better the gp said its

probley acid in the guts but the meds he gave me

have made no difference, when your friend had an

endoscopy was she given a choice of spray or anaesthetic

or did she have to take what they gave her, i phoned the hospital

this morning to book my appoinment and the first available

slot is not untill thursday 15 september at 3 15 so ive got a week

or so to wait, I will have to talk to them about the problems

i get when i swallow anything as i choke when i eat or drink

if i dont concentrate on what im doing, well thanks for the info

and take care of your self,

ray xx

SuzieQ profile image

Hi Ray

Unfortunately she didn't have the choice, but she said that if you have your sort of problems you should INSIST that you have an anaesthetic. Sadly, not enough people understand CBD or PSP and the associated problems, so I think you will have to be quite forceful to get the anaesthetic if that's what you decide to go for. Good luck with whatever decision you make. We shall all be thinking of you on the 15th.

Take care..............SuzieQ xx

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SuzieQ

hi suzieq,

thanks for the info i know what you mean about

not enough people understand cbd/psp i bet you

what you like when i go to the hospital and tell them

what ive got wrong with me they wont have a clue about

it, thanks for takeing the time to reply i do appreciate it

you take care,

ray xx

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to SuzieQ

hi suzieq,

hope your keeping well just to keep you up to date

i just got all the paper work from the hospital ref camera

down the throat and they have now become more

advanced the endoscopes are now a lot slimmer so

they now put it up your nose and into the gullet after

spraying the nose with anaesthetic spray to numb it

so that sounds a better way to do it,

take care.............ray xx

jillannf6 profile image

hi ray

have you adh the camera work done?

how was it?

ok i hope

plz let us know on the site

lvoe jill

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image
ray-wiffen-1958 in reply to jillannf6

hi jill,

hope your keeping well yes i had the camera this

afternoon it was horrible they stuck it up my nose

and down my gullit they took three biopsys and they

are sending them off to the lab but i will have to wait

4 weeks for the results , they sprayed stuff up the nose

to numb it and you could feel the camera going all the

way down hope i dont have to have that again,

you take care

luv ray

jillannf6 profile image

hi ryrrrrrau

yes it is horrible - were u offered a sedative/,mild amaesthetic or npt?

\myway it is done now

i fell down stairs backwards last week - 1st time i have lost my balancce that way = always been fwds b4

BUt i am so lucky = no concusiion adn they haveg luedmmy head aback together - no staples or stitches

love jill

ray-wiffen-1958 profile image

hi jillann,

they said i could be put out but i would have to stay in

hospital for up to 4 hours or they would numb my throat

then put the camera down or numb the nose and stick

it up there so i choose that one because they said it wouldnt

make you gag, i throught people with psp always fell backwards

not forwards you where very lucky not to get badly hurt you need

to take more care when you are useing the stairs i have had a few

falls but always in doors so i have had something soft to land on

im very carefull on the stairs , im glad you didnt have to have staples

or stitches you take good care of your self,

luv ray xx

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