My wife has PSP and seems to be tired all the time (naps a lot). Our GP said if it is depression she would know if it was. Wife doesn't feel depressed and I don't detect any depressioin. Perhaps fatique is just part of PSP but I'd like to know. Neurologist perscribed drug to combat fatigue but it didn't have any effect.
Fatigue or depression?: My wife has PSP and... - PSP Association
Fatigue or depression?

Hi Jim - it is interesting that in PSP anti-depressants do help with symptoms of PSP. There is both depression and depression like symptoms and fatigue with PSP. Our neurologist (who is a specialist in PSP) prescribed amitriptlyine for my dad and it really helped him. We had been on doxepin prior to seeing this nuerologist and we saw an improvement when switched to amitriptlyne. My dad however was tired alot but he was extremely rigid and had spasms all the time -so when you think about it -it was like his body was working out constantly so he was tired. Also -my dad had a hard time keeping his eye lids open which people used to think he was sleeping - -many times he wasn't and had to warn people that he "played oppossum alot so watch what you say 'cause he is listening!" What stage of PSP do you think your wife is in?
Thanks. Not sure what stage. Currently ultra small handwriting, some falls but better now we have rolling walker, slurred speach but mostly very soft speach. Some swallowing issues but not drastic at this point. Wish I knew what stage she is in. Not much comfort from it but would be better than the unknown which PSP seems to have on us all.
Ah - I have a few more links for you. It also helps to take these articles to doctors appointments and to have anyone who will be a part of her care to read as well. The first link will gives a pretty good overview of several areas regarding PSP and the second link is a "caregivers guide" to the stages of PSP.
Oh and I forgot to tell you -try chewable papaya enzymes for the swallowing. They say they are for digestion but papaya helps with secretions. Have her chew 4 before a meal and then chew 4 after - -you should see that they help. She can eat'em like candy and they are yummy. You can get them at any health food store.
Hi, my mums the same. I don't know what stage she is at, it could be early days as I've heard worse. She takes panadol osteo just when going to bed. She has a stiff neck. It seems she gets about 3hrs sleep without waking up to go to the toilet -initially. This is good news for her and me as I try to accompany her to the loo. Sometimes she would get up 3 times in 1hr. I've been monitoring this week. she has diabetes, many tablets and sleeping is better when less constipated. How was the papaya?
Hi Jim,
Fatigue is a BIG issue in PSP and not necessarily linked to depression. If Mum has had visitors the sheer mental effort of trying to concentrate and follow a conversation can leave her exhausted. She isn't able to be physically active any more and spends most of her day sitting in a chair but even this seems to wear her out some days.
Not much help, I'm afraid
Love to you and your wife
Kathy x
Kathy, Thanks for the reassurance. My wife seems to tire easily. A trip out to the supermarket for groceries can exhaust her. Same with Sunday after church then lunch after with friends. I guess we'll just adapt and that's fine with me. I've adapted to adjusting to whatever my dear wife wants is fine with me. Again, thanks!!
Jim, fatigue is just natural with this. Often misdiagnosed with depression. she is just tired. end of story. Let her sleep, try to combat her guilty feelings about being tired. It is ok that she is tired.
with love