My husband leans a lot to the left which makes his arm ache when leaning it on the arm of his recliner. Has anyone any suggestions how to keep him in an upright position.
Leaning: My husband leans a lot to the left... - PSP Association
Hi, My husband used to do exactly the same. It became markedly worse he was unwell. We found that a soft, V shaped cushion, helped with this problem. as it did not take up too much room in the seat area and provided a soft rest for his arm if needed. I hope this helps. Good luck. AliBee x
Hi Ali Bee, I'm interested in what you found works. Do yoy mean one if the large v shaped pillows or something smaller..I can see another on line purchase pending 😀 Thx Milli dog x
My mother always leaned to the same side. I found a little toddler sized pillow on Amazon , I think it was 1 2 × 16 inches. You can buy pillow cases for them as well. When we moved her into a care facility the staff was asking about the pillow because several residents there were in need of a small pillow to lean on as well. It fit nicely in a recliner or a wheelchair.
REAQER Wheelchair Lateral Support Side Cushions for Seniors,Armrest Positioning Wedge,Protection for Persons in Wheelchairs use this, just on the one side but stacked one wedge on top of the other. It's exactly what a specialist chair company use under the back cushion too!
When the rep came out he asked where we got it, so he could pass on to people who could not get funding for a whole custom chair!
Thank you but it won't open can you explain exactly what it is called

"REAQER Wheelchair Lateral Support Side Cushions for Seniors,Armrest Positioning Wedge,Protection for Persons in Wheelchairs"
Other suppliers of the same, and alternatives by searching on 'lateral support' but this seems to be the cheapest ATM.
Reading with interest. As Golfinggirl says, the link won’t open unfortunately. Can you send me details too
My husband also has this problem, can lean over quite heavily to one side, it can vary as to what side but is mainly to the right. Our OT supplied us with a rise recliner that can have cushions that you can move from the back to the side and with a back support.
hello, my brother had same issue. He managed to get a careflex hydro chair which has been continuously adapted for his needs. He has lateral supports on each side and leg elevation. They then made it automatic to save my back.
We've had the company who delivered my husband's riser/recliner come in and add padding on the right side, however it doesn't stop him leaning however often we ask him to straighten up. Have ordered the lateral support cushion from Amazon now so will see tomorrow! Thanks for a helpful post and responses. 🌻
We've just "installed" the lateral support as recommended, both wedges on the right side where my husband leans. It seems comfortable enough and is reducing the lean. We might need to experiment with the exact placement and still have to make sure he is correctly positioned when he sits down, but this looks very promising, thanks for the recommendation from Tues2Thurs . 💺
Thank you everyone for all the ideas I have sent for a wheelchair lateral support which I hope will help 😀
I found that reclining backwards helped a lot to prevent leaning. Actually more specifically it was being tilted backwards that made the difference ie with the seat base tipped too.
We used to use one of these wedge pillows. I tried taking a screenshot but wasn't able to. Hopefully the link
Thank you, when I clicked it said this item is no longer available , with no picture