Thought I had finally better give you all an update on mum.
Mum had a fall back in Feb which resulted in a broken nose and slight skull fracture, still mobile unaided at this point, but with falls risk. Admitted to hospital after 24 hours in A&E, finally getting a bed in a ward. Ward then had changed again by next visit.
She was meant to be in for 48 hours for observation, this eventually became just short of 4 weeks due to blood pressure variations and atrial fib, together with norovirus on ward which she thankfully avoided.
Eventually got her out of hospital with a 4 week carers package before they assess her. Mum has carers in to get her washed and dressed and put her to bed in evening, together with a couple of visits in the day. We don’t really need four as she lives with us but it is nice for mum to see them and at the moment it’s free! Since being kept in bed by the hospital her mobility has massively decreased, we can help her walk from bed to chair etc but she can no longer do this on own. NHS have given us a commode, low bed with air mattress, chair air mattress, alarm with pager for bed and chair , sally steady and crash mats for sides of bed. They have been brilliant with equipment.
Hospital had changed her meds and started her on co-carelodopa three times a day and baclophan liquid. We went to see Dr Rittman in Cambridge at the Erschel Smith Centre- they were amazing and spent hours with mum. They are reducing the co-carelodopa to get rid of it, removed her amyltriptiline and baclophan and are stating her on pregablin, apparantly baclophan is better for MS and the co-carelodpa good to try initially but does not normally work with CBD.
Anyway thought I would share what I could think of.
Best wishes to all you wonderful people.