I am not sure how many still are in this forum that I connected with — and LEANED on during my journey of caring for my sweet momma —- but, I wanted to stop in and say hello. Grief is not linear, and I have days of missing her deeply, but never once have I regretted the years and memories that we made. Warm hugs to all of you that are navigating this disease. Take care of yourself and each other. Blessings - Kim
Sending warm wishes to my friends - PSP Association
Sending warm wishes to my friends

Bless you Kim, I’m still missing Colin , just had first year anniversary. Love and hugs Helenxxx
Hi Kim I pop on occasionally nearly 2 years since I lost my hubby I always found your posts with your momma charming and inspirational Love is what it’s all about Take care Hugs Maggie xxx
Hi, we're still making memories although a lot have been made in hospital this year 🙄
Dear Kim
Good to hear from you. I pop into Healthunlocked occasionally - old habits hard to break.
Grief is a whole new journey for you to navigate- be kind to yourself and do it your way.
Sending love and a big hug Tippy
Tippy!!! So nice to read your post. Old habits for sure —- so many days I would find peace and safety in this forum from all of you. I think about all of you so often. Grief is certainly not linear. So many first times without her this past year … tomorrow is her birthday … I miss her terribly. I hope you’re well —- I will continue to check in here once in a while — I have the deepest of gratitude for all of you that walked this journey with me. Love & Hugs ..Kim
I haven't visited here for a long time, but there is something about the warmth of your style, Kim, that made me think your intro was familiar! It's 2 1/2 years since I lost my beloved Ian and a year since I moved back to the UK from Spain. It is great being closer to my daughter and family, but I miss Spain and the life we led there. It's strange building friendships with folk who never knew him or the years of challenges we endured, and yet I know it is because of him I am the person they see.Your posts, and those of others here, are a strong reminder of the depth of connection and camaraderie and comfort we enjoyed supporting one another.
Now I oversee an 18th century chapel in a picture perfect English village as caretaker and pastor. One of the trustees is an old friend of ours. How long I will be here is an unknown, but then I think all of us who have walked our path are used to living day by day, facing an uncertain future. It can be a worry or an adventure. I choose the latter. God is good...all the time.
Much love to you all who read and remember. Thank you for the encouragement and love. Much Much love
Juliet x
Oh Juliet - so very nice to read your lovely post; it makes me want to take a trip and see this English village. I will forever be grateful to all of you that walked by my side, navigating every day in doing the best we could - knowing that each day would bring some new change to adapt into. Forever grateful.
A year of firsts it has been … but, I am always one thought away in knowing her body is whole now, she is waking streets of gold, and singing with her new voice! Holding on to the promises. Take care of you, my friend. Big hug! - Kim
Hi Kim,
this forum is a lifeline for so many. It really helped me when Phil was sick and during the early times of grieving.
4 years on , I still occasionally read posts, I always read yours when you shared your journey with your lovely Mom.
Sending you big hugs
Dawn xx
Hello Dawn!! Four years is hard to believe. Lifeline is the absolute truth … this forum was a gift for me. I remember the first few months and how I would hold on to every word of advice, and seeking knowledge on this disease … no one seemed to understand what I was dealing with on a daily … except those in here. This was my safe space. I hope you are doing well. I am staying busy. Grieving at my own pace. Hugs to you my friend. Kim
Hi Kim
Sending hugs to you over the pond. Take care of yourself, grief is a strange thing but you have wonderful memories of your darling Momma.
With love and hugs
Anne x
Hi Kim, what a lovely surprise to seeing you and your Mum’s smiling faces, this morning and of course to see a lot of old friends replying to you. I still pop in, like Tippy has said, it’s a hard thing to let go. How can I not keep in touch with my friends that kept me on the straight and narrow and had my back for all those years. It will be 7 years since Steve died. Although my life has moved on and I am happy and settled again, there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t miss Steve.
Like Kim, I still think of everyone on the PSP journey, my thoughts and love are with you.
Sending huge group hug and much love
Lots of love
Oh Anne!!! Seeing your post made my heart smile … oh the beautiful friends we have made on here. I cherish all of you —- oh so many years I would shed for so long in caring for Mom, and you were all right there along the way. I would be caring for Mom, and would face something new and would stop … and ask myself, “What now?” … and I would come back here to connect with all of you for reassurance , guidance, and insight on what to do next. You all were my anchor … I am so happy to hear from you and everyone on here. Made my day! Love and hugs!! Kim
Thank you for the happy surprise to see both of your smiling faces. Your loving care for your Mom always inspires me to be a little more patient or a little more understanding. My husband is progressing and with each changing symptom we are trying to figure it out. I have to remember to not get too confident because I know a curve ball could be heading my way. I hope you are taking good care of yourself. You are a terrific daughter and your Mom will always be in your heart.
Thank you for words. I will always cherish the days I had with Momma — she was my Queen, and she deserved every sliver of joy we would manage to find; even o the hardest of days. I know the journey you are on, and I hope you have surrounded yourself with extra hands and finding respite for yourself. Warm hugs - here if you need a shoulder - Xo Kim
Hi Kim, Thank you for the warm hugs and wishes. It's greatly appreciated!
Hi there! I hope you are doing ok. Just being able to come back in here and reconnect brings me joy … the darkest days, I found my safe space here surrounded by amazing humans that cared and knew exactly what I was experiencing with Mom - or they new what was around the corner, preparing for the changes. Forever grateful - xox Kim
Hi, Kim. Your posts have always been a joy for me. You shoot very good pics. Very original and with many smiles from you and your mother,
We have accompanied each other. Thanks to the help of Google translate, we were able to do it. Now, you are walking a new journey. Part of grieving is saying goodbye to us. Slowly you will integrate with other friends.
I continue to take care of my sister.
God bless you.
So nice to hear from you! I love being able to come back in here to check in. I hope you are doing well, as you continue to care for your sister. Losing my Mom was by far the hardest experience of my lifetime —- I know without a doubt having all of you to lean into was my saving grace … many days and nights! Sending you warm hugs and strength. Thank you for your words. Blessings. Kim
Hello Kim. How lovely to hear from you. I miss that lovely smile of your Mum's and yours. They always cheered me up. I agree that grief is not linear. Love to you and your wonderful family. AliBee
Grief is like the wind. At times, the wind is gentle and barely noticeable. But, when you least expect it, a huge gust knocks you off your feet. No two people ever feel the wind in exactly the same way, and no-one reacts in the same way to each incoming gust.
Oh AliBee!!! How I miss your writings! Thank you for sharing that —- I need to share that with a few of my family members. I miss connecting with you! I hope you’re well. The holidays are approaching and one year anniversary of Mommas passing … I do miss her so very much, and yet I know she ran the race well, and was a gladiator all the way. She rests now. Hugs to you my friend! Xo Kim
A big hug.
Oh Luis!! Big hugs back to you! I am forever grateful for your support and knowledge - you always brought solid insight at every corner of change - so very grateful for you and your friendship. Hugs - Kim
Lovely to hear from you. I miss your uplifting posts from when your Mum was still with us. I am on the journey still and I hope I can prove myself to be half the person you are!
Richard 🙂
Hi Kim, lovely to hear from you and hope you're well despite those sad days that happen. Mum's still with us and it's trying always to see the person stuck behind the physical difficulties of this cruel disease. Fiona
Hello Fiona!! It’s great to hear from you my friend. I am doing ok .. I have been traveling a lot in my business; it’s good to be back doing what I love (motivational speaking) and connecting with people. Mom used to travel with me for years; she was my true cheerleader. Grief pops its ugly head up sometimes, and I stop and breathe … one day at a time. So nice to hear from you!!! - Kim