Hello everyone, I am an end-of-life practitioner and as you can imagine this gets very emotionally exhausting after losing so many people. So I have taken on a longer-term patient, he is in his 7th year of PSP and I want to do all I can to make his journey as easy as possible while in my care, I live with him full time, and take care of all his needs, 16hrs per day is usual..... I am basically learning as I go... I have had many Parkinson's patients and MND but this for sure is something else !
I have been with him 4 months now and have a great relationship, I am pushing hard to get him all the services he needs and liaise with physio, SALT, and a Parkinson's nurse, he has not had an appt with a consultant for 18 months but am told there is not much they will say or advise ??
His mobility is now very poor and uses a wheelchair most of the time, he is 6ft 2 and 105 kilos and I am a tiny dot ! but I am promoting as much independence as possible..
He has excessive saliva all the time and is now on thick and easy to aid swallowing his medication.. speech is still audible but getting less, do vocal exercises every day plus sitting & standing exercises... (physio also in bed)
I have modified his diet he is also a type 1 diabetic, has COPD and angina...
He is definitely becoming more withdrawn and apathy is an issue, is this common ?
Depression ?
I am reading as much on here as time allows, I just wanted to see if there is anything else I could/ should be doing...
Thank you for reading