Hello lovely people, my mam complains about mucus in her throat, however we have had it investigated with a camera and nothing shows up, could this be something to do with PSP, nothing I say can convince her there is nothing in her throat.
Imaginary mucus : Hello lovely people, my... - PSP Association
Imaginary mucus

The imaginary phlegm problem! The solution: chewing gum. It will provide immediate relief.
I would have thought that chewing gum could be quite dangerous and run the risk of aspiration pneumonia. The chewing ability will diminish and then swallowing itself. A speech and language therapist should be advising / assessing here regularly.
Hi. Not with PSP but my mum has CBD and is convinced her nose is running all the time. The consultant thought it could be a mild hallucination where her brain is convinced there is a problem but physically there is nothing. He said it can happen as part of the condition. Might not be the case for you, but may be worth exploring. Good luck
This is totally to do with PSP and will get worse. Her GP should be wising up about the symptoms and progression of PSP and her neurologist should assign the family a Parkinson + nurse to offer practical support.
Hello- we rented an oral suction machine. It helps for this and as things worsen with extra saliva/gurgling...