Hi everyone, need some help. My husband had started getting anxious right after dinner time, then I spoke to the hospice nurse and she said well give him clorazapan he might be sundowning. I did that however he woke up this morning and he could hardly help me to get him out of bed. He is leaning forward really badly too. Would the medicine cause this?
Help: Hi everyone, need some help. My... - PSP Association
Yes, it is a sedative, and that one lasts in the system for days. Did it help the anxiety? Discuss with the nurse. Maybe a lower dose or something shorter acting next time.
Thanks it helped but he is like a zombie.
My guy also had a terrible zombie effect from treatment for insomnia (maybe clonazepam?) that they tried - he had such an overreaction he became almost comatose and they thought he was dying for several days. His comeback seemed like a miracle, but I think it was just the medicine wearing off. PSP can make a person react very strongly to some drugs. Haloperidol worked for us, with less side effect, and as a liquid it was easy to titrate the dose. It tended to wear off too soon rather than the reverse, but much less worrisome, of course.
Hi Penny
During lock down at the nursing home last year, the staff started using Clorazapan with my mother. It had a terrible effect on her. Within half a hour she looked terrible. She became Hunched over, bottom lip dropping, eyes half open and not responding.
I took before and after photos because I had trouble getting medical staff to believe the drug could cause such a effect.
We were lucky that mum did not have major withdrawals, It can be addictive.
It is terrible to watch the reaction because you are just trying to help your love one and the opposite happens. Trail and error seems to be the case with PSP.
My thoughts are with you on this terrible journey.
This site is so wonderful, as the journey can be lonely. All the best finding the correct medication. Xx
Sounds like he needs something milder. My Mum was put on a low dose of Sertraline and it really helped her deal with the anxiety without impacting other things
I'm on clonazepan 0.5 mg for restless legs and sundowning with no ill effects. Is she on other medication? If so, perhaps it may intensify the side effects... something to consider.
Tim x
Thanks Tim I didn’t give it to him yesterday or last night and my husband is standing up better. He tossed and turned all night but I’m going to see how it goes.
I also take Clonazepam .5 with no negative reaction but everyone is different. I only took a half a pill at first to let my body get used to the medication. My doctor suggested that I slowly start each medication that he has prescribed because they are powerful. I hope you find something that works for your husband so he can relax without any ill effects.
Thanks he was tossing and turning all night so I’m going to try 1 pill tonight.
Let us all know how that works out for both of you.