Can you see her smile underneath that mask?
Swallow test success ✅ I have had to cancel the test twice Since March, because they would not allow me to go back with her. Thankfully, some things have changed a little bit —- Last week Mom had a really bad choking episode; it was a pretty traumatic experience for me, I will admit.
Right away I called the Doc, and wanted that swallow test and insight on what changes I needed to make. I have been feeding Mom for over a month or two now, and getting her to take small bites, chew slow, swallow swallow swallow —- and she still has particles in her mouth —- it’s daunting.
Trying my best to keep her eating and drinking safely.
This journey is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone —
And with all that she is going thru, the loss that she has endured the last several years .... she still smiles!
The best smiles reach your eyes!
Wishing you all a happy weekend!
Hope you find a moment of rest, a splash of laughter, and the warmth of a hug (we all need these days).
Still finding slivers of joy as best we can ...
Blessings to you all
xx Kim