We all start out at the beginning of the same road but each of us will be facing a different journey with varying bumps, turns, hills and valleys. Our path might stray off in a different direction at times but will always return to the main road. Some of us will have a road full of directions and helpful maps while some of us will struggle to find our way. But in the end our roads will always lead to the same destination. Always know that you are not alone on the road. Dedicated to this great group of people!
The Journey of PSP: We all start out at the... - PSP Association
The Journey of PSP

Thank you for that xxxx
Very nice! Sending hugs... Granni B
Very well put,I think we can all identify with your post. Thankyou xx
I echo everyone else's replies. Beautiful poignant post. Also, for a new carer just starting this journey, you won't end up the same person, along the way, you learn new skills, gain strengths you never knew you had. What you can't cope with today, will be trivial at the end, those huge mountains become mole hills. Just beware of those hidden pot holes, unfortunately they don't shrink!
Sending big hug and much love to everyone
Lots of love
Lovely post, Jeri, and such a thoughtful dedication to the forum.
The grief road has many twists and turns with a few dark tunnels thrown in. I believe it’s only around 5 months since you said goodbye to Gerald so I hope that the road you are now traveling has some scenic routes and when you hit those dark tunnels that the light isn’t too far away. There’s no SatNav to guide us through this next journey, we have to map it out for ourselves but we will find our way to our destination, it’ll just take as long as it takes. Do hope that you are doing as well as is possible.
Love Hils
There still are "those days" especially where I second guess myself...what if...did I... etc but I push on by reassuring myself I did my best. In the end that should be all that is expected of any of us. Thank you for your love and concern! Jeri
Hi, I lost my son to PSP three years ago May 4, 2017. He was 55 years old, barely. He was cared for at home, per his wish.
It is part of the bereavement journey......the 2nd guessing, the guilt, the grief attacks, etc. Just like your post HONESTLY describes the journey of PSP, I hope you will accept that you did EVERYTHING THAT WAS CALLED FOR AT THE TIME. It is easy to forget each event which led to the big and small decisions that we as caretakers made.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Such massive wisdom in one short statement. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Living the journey.
So true Jkhakh2