So few will get this, so I don’t share publicly ... but with you, I know I can. This is what we do in quarantine —- lose our minds! Mom took a little tumble yesterday, because she said, “she thought she could do it herself and didn’t want to bother me” ... now mind you, I left the room for less than 90 seconds tops ... she also has a button right next to her that she uses to call me - I wear a wrist watch that is connected (by the way it’s a dream to have). She bumped her head, and I thought she needed some ice; I got creative with the towels 🤣😂 It did distract her enough to start a giggle session ... she’s fine, but it was a moment to remember.
Sense of humor : So few will get this, so I... - PSP Association
Sense of humor

It’s great - love the smiles and humor. Totally understand the way the fall happened, that’s how it is with Mike too. Take care,
Your mom is beautiful, even in a towel 😂 So glad you could participate in the giggles! Sorry she bumped her head though.
Ouch, though I love the head gear and smiles - a sense of humour gets us through so much in life. sadly the impulsivity and falls grow in frequency presenting a huge challenge. We had a bed and a chair sensor which saved many falls. As soon as my hubby tried to stand up the bed or chair sensor alarmed and I would run to him like Usain Bolt out of the starting blocks!
Worth a thought ?
Love to you both
Hi Bazooka
You guy's are wonderfully whacky as hell... with so much love.
Thanks for the chuckle... And the smile on my face that won't go away!
Tipyleaf is so right though.
You seem to have reached another stage of PSP where the person is so convinced they can get up and walk that they start doing it repeatedly. Being unable to tell when they are falling (that part of the brain has ceased to function) they do not soften their fall or steer clear of things like table corners etc. They just don't know they are falling.
Many people with PSP spend a lot of time in ER because of this. Horrible injuries.
Please plan for this with extra precautions.
Hugs to you all.
Quite fashionable headwear!
Wow. I thought that was Carmen Miranda at first lol. Like Kevin, I have a smile that won't go away. Making fun out of a horrible event. That's the best way. Keep smiling. 😆😆❤️❤️
Glad that Mum "bounced" and I do like the turban top right! She has such an infectious smile
This "I thought I could do something" phase was one of the most difficult I found and as Kevin said, often accompanied by trips to A&E, our record was 3 times in 10 days!!
I found there was a bit of a pattern and Mum mainly got these impulsive spells in the afternoons and as you say, you just leave the room for a moment to put the kettle on, turn round and there they are, trying to stand up. I did find popping Mum in the wheelchair and bringing her with me from room to room helped and taking her out for a walk or just sitting outside also seemed to reduce the compulsion. Though the incidence did get less, it continued right until the last, and my husband got quite used to dropping everything and coming to pick her up, it was only of she needed stitches we tended to go to A&E. Some might say Mum was unsafe to live like this & she should have been in a home, well she was in a home for 6 months and she fell as often there & had trips to A&E and being at home she got far more 1:1 care time and was much much happier.
Please keep on sharing, your posts show how special Mum & daughter bonds are. xxx
Thank you for sharing ... this has been an interesting week (in quarantine) .. 2 falls this week, and I was within feet of her, back turned for just a moment. Thankfully, she came out with a minor bump ... whew it’s almost 4:30 am and she’s been up and down all night ... false needs to potty! I’m going to be tired come sunrise! I would not change a thing, and I will fight to keep her home with me to the very end, if I can. I will forever treasure this time with my sweet Momma ... we will giggle along ... I told her the turban look was great! One of them looks like “The Flying Nun” - Sally Fields ... do you remember that show? Have a beautiful day and stay healthy. ((Hugs)) Kim
She has a smile to light up the room, I also used to give Ben a creative new look with the clippings of his remaining hair when the clippers came out. We always had a giggle at that when he was shown my artistic styling in the mirror. Small things please small minds! Xxx
Those are beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing the lovely smiles, and good for you, making a happy memory from an unfortunate accident.
She looks so cute. Give her a BIG hug from me! And one sent for you too
Can you tell me more about the button and watch?
So, I purchased these round call buttons that I have placed strategically in her room; she no longer walks, but she is so quiet, I need to know if she wants my attention.
They come with adhesive or lanyard, so I have one on her safety rail in bed, she pushes when she needs me to come - it immediately sends a a signal to the wristband. I have one attached to the table next to her recliner, one attached to the sink / toilet where she sits to go potty .. all of the touch points where I tend to give her moments of rest or privacy.
You can learn more at the website; ... hands down, best purchase I have made on this journey.
In addition, I do have a “Nest” brand camera in her room, that displays on a small monitor in the kitchen / living room, so I have constant monitoring of her visually as she sleeps ... I do have a twin bed in her room, which allows me to sleep in the same room, or anyone that is assisting me. All of this has brought me peace of mind in caring for my Momma. Hope this helps.
The ice towels looked to my demented eyes as if your mom was trying on different hats!
Thank for sharing information about watch and cameras. Right now I need to start looking into some sort of drinking cup/glass that limits amount of fluid with each sip. My husband can still drink regular liquids but sometimes he "gulps" to much and starts to cough.He likes a straw, and that helps a little. Any suggestions?
Hmmm ... need to do some research on this. Mom does well with a straw, and after several purchases, I have finally found a nice mid-size spill-proof stainless steel water bottle, and the straw does not come out. Sometimes she tilts the cup toward her, and I had to find something that would not spill.
When we did our swallow test, they insisted that mom does not use a straw, but honestly, it is the only way (right now) that she can drink independently without major choking, due to gulping. She is drinking more water throughout the day, which makes me happy.
As for measuring the amount, you given me something to research -- that would be really good to have. If you find something, please let me know, and I will do the same.
Happy Sunday -- stay healthy!
Still quarantined - Day 12
I found a brand called "Wonder-Flo" thats the trademark name -- google it, and you'll see some reviews on it. I may order one just to see if it works.
Hi have you seen the "Provale Regulating Drinking cup". They are not cheap but only deliver 5ml into the mouth at once. A gentleman I know with PSP uses one and it works for him.
There are also straws available with valves in them so once you have sucked the liquid to the top it stays there, so takes less effort for further sips.