About 2 weeks ago my hubby, about 3 yrs with PSP, started complaining of constant right knee pain. Any one else or a family member has had same and what helped?
PSP and knee pain: About 2 weeks ago my... - PSP Association
PSP and knee pain
New to me. Maybe he is favoring the other leg and it is stressing the right knee.
He has been weaker on his left side so has "favored" the right side for quite some time. Which is really what is worrying me; if he loses right side mobility he will probably become wheel chair bound. He complaines the knee constantly "throbs" and feels stiff.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this....
Thanks for responding.
Keep it elevated when you can. Maybe a cane would help. Have you talked to a physical therapist about it? They might be able to suggest something.
Try applying heat to the area, that may ease it. Our physio advised me to do this when W's back was giving him trouble and it helped him. I bought a wheat filled pad in the pharmacy which you heat up in the microwave, very handy. xx
Mick has had knee pain since diagnosis three years ago we have tried everything nothing helps he has had x rays and examinations by doctors they can find nothing the doctor said it's probably neuro pain ,we have just been away for the weekend with my daughter and family and he didn't mention his knee once but as soon as we returned home the kneed pain started again it's baffling .hope you get your hubby sorted xxx
Not sure about knee pain though we found going to an Osteopath helped movement and pains in hip by realignment. Didn’t realise how much weight is distributed to wrong areas to compensate for stiffness.
Hi mjtogether _ I've experienced knee pain (both) for the last three years. Exercising - stretching and heat help manage it.
Thank you all for the responses. Basically, we have tried all suggested. What we found that helps the best.....cbd oil both orally and mixed with lotion rubbed into the knee and every other day an aleve. he also wears a knee brace now when walking and keeps the knee elevated when sitting as much as possible.
We are going on a two week trip in the summer (long airplane ride and a bus trip) and hope it is much better by then as I am sure it's our last trip of this sort and I just want him to enjoy it.
Everyone have a fantastic day!
It could be that pain is presenting in knee but it can be coming from elsewhere oestopath said cold compress to reduce swelling not heat worth a try x
I have had the problem bu culd addres it with Ayurvedic Massage and Yoga
My husband has knee pain and we always thought it was arthritis. Now you make me think otherwise. Cortisone injections helped.
Mike finally did get a cortisone shot in the knee which helped greatly. When it wears off, we will try another. But, once it helped, he started pt more and exercising at home and it has really helped