My friend's bladder is "stressed" leading to incontinence. Is this common with PSP. She is on an antibiotic - but will this "cure" that problem?
Bladder Issues?: My friend's bladder is... - PSP Association
Bladder Issues?

Incontinence is a common issue and unless it's being caused by an UTI antibiotics probably won't do much. If you could give a little more info like is she still walking, in a wheelchair, happens at night more, etc. Then hopefully some methods of helping deal with the incontinence will be posted.
Incontinence and urgency were one of my husbands first symptoms. His urologist first gave him medication and then attributed it to an enlarged prostrate. He had surgery which did not help. Eventually , we realized it was caused by PSP. Now he barely knows if he’s going and is also bowel incontinent.
Same for my dad. Frequent UTI’s one of first symptoms, started long before PSP dx. Prostate and 2other urethra surgeries, and was on bethanechol to help strengthen bladder. Now to a point of double incontinence. Hospice is now encouraging indwelling catheter instead of intermittent catheterization. He is on a prophylactic antibiotic to prevent UTI’s.
Sadly incontinence comes with the territory of PSP. But there are medications and acupuncture ( tibial
Nerve stimulation) that can help. Sadly as this is a progressive condition no one treatment lasts too long in our experience.
If you are in the UK there are bladder and bowel clinics that can help get GP to refer
Good luck
Love Tippy