It is with a sad heart that I announce the passing of my dear husband, Jim. It was Friday, March 9, 2018 and very much unexpected. He was in hospice for only two days and was only 74 years old. We believe he choked and could not breathe and just gave up living that awful way with PSP. He is resting in peace now and with our large group of family and friends we gave him a very nice military funeral and wonderful group of Honor Guard fellow American Legionaires led him to his final resting place. I know I have only been on this forum since last July and I have received some great PSP information from you, my other family, and I want to still stay in touch until I can not offer anything more. Love, Joyce, - today from a warmer Minnesota
He is resting in peace.: It is with a sad... - PSP Association
He is resting in peace.

Dear Joyce, Am so sorry for your loss. Your Jim is now at peace.
Time to reflect and draw breath after a long fought battle. Look after yourself!
Big hug!
Jen xxx
Joyce I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. It sounds like he had a very nice funeral.
Such a shock when you are not expecting a death. However he is at peace now Joyce.
We are here as long as you need us. Maybe it will help you to help others too?
Take care of yourself.
Marie x
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. It sounds as though he had a lovely funeral. Such a shock when someone goes suddenly.
We are here for you. Maybe you will feel you can help others too? It helps with the grieving process knowing what you have been through can help others.
Take care of yourself.
Marie x
Sorry Joyce...seems I sent 2 posts! Thought the first one had gone into the ether like a lot of them!!
Marie x
I am so sorry to hear that Jim has passed away. May he rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease.
Now is your time, to practise those very hard learnt caring skills on yourself. Grief is a very private thing and can only be done one way. YOUR WAY. There are no rules, no guidelines, only do what you feel like doing. The only exception is, never say no to an invitation. Nothing is going to make you feel better or worse at the moment, but if you keep saying no, one day when you are ready to join in the world again, the invites might not be there.
Sending big hug and much love
Lots of love
Great advice Anne, hope I heed the message when he dreaded time comes. xxx
Anne, it has been almost three months since Jim passed and I think of your great advice you gave me here, at least every other day. Thank you so much. I am doing okay but miss him everyday.
The missing Jim will never stop, nor should it. But one day, you will wake up and realise life does go on. Unfortunately, that won't be for a while. I wish I could go back a few months and accept that fact. Slowly but surely, you will realise, the same as I am beginning to.
Sending big hug and much love
Lots of love
I am so sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your husband. Those of us that have lost our loved ones know what you are going through. Do not forget Anne’s (Heady) post it makes great sense but the grief some days can be overwhelming. Take care. Jxx
Hugs to you. You are in my thought and prayers.💜
May he rest in peace from this horrible disease.
Do hope your heart heals in time.
So sorry for your loss. Glad you had a good military funeral as it sounds appropriate. The memories matter.
You seem to have lots of support. As I have recently gone through the same experience I know how crucial that is. It takes time, Joyce.
Lots of love from Jean x
Sending you and your family strength and love x
So sorry to hear of your sad loss, no matter how prepared you think you may be I'm sure the actuality doesn't play by those rules. Take time to grieve and take Anne's advice to accept invitations by friends and family no matter how hard it seems. I'm trying to convince myself that I will but easier said than done.take care of yourself.
Love Kate xxx
Love Kate xxx
I'm sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your husband. Love Nanny857x
Hi Joyce. I am so sorry you have lost Jim. I am sure your family and friends will support you. Please take all the help offered to you. People in general are lovely and anxious to be of some use. Take one day at a time and don't try to do too much at once. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Margaret x
Hello Joyce
That sounds like a lovely send off.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
You will carry him in your heart. He will always be with you.
Hold him close - in your heart he will remain.
Sadly and warmly
Joyce so sorry to hear that Jim has away, psp can’t hurt him or you all, sending you a big hug. Yvonne xxxxx
Dear Joyce, my sincerest condolences to you and your family x
I am so sorry for your loss.
My beloved Don died suddenly also 8months ago,and it still seems hard to believe. The advice to accept all invitations is good.I have had to force myself to get out and do things,but I truly think it helps. Love,Janet
So very sorry for your loss xx
My condolences.
Yes he is at peace, he is finally free of this awful disease.
It has been five weeks since my husband passed away.
I am still numb.
Not so warm here in northern Ontario, but hope the warm weather is coming
Joyce I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your husband, may he rest in peace. You are both now free of this awful heart wrenching disease. Take good care of yourself.
I am so very sorry for your loss. He is free of this terrible disease.
Dear Joyce,
I am fairly new here, but this disease gives us all a common ground. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I hope you will allow yourself to rest and understand how lucky Jim was to have you by his side and you him.
Hugs to you,
Alice (from WI)
Der Joyce, Am thinking of you as I await the same fate for hubby Leon, 76 years, his major fear is choking to death, as he knows that along with pneumonia are the likely way he will pass. I too have only been on this site since Leon had his P.E.G feed tube inserted on July 4th. It is invaluable, sincerely thinking of you MargH from Howlong N.S.W. Australia
So sorry to hear of your loss what a fabulous send off take care of your self he is now at peace x x
Dear Joyce, so sorry for your loss, so bittersweet at the end, you are in my prayers. Take good care of yourself. Nettie
Thank you everyone on this forum for your kind words of sympathy extended to me and my family at the passing of my husband, Jim. Mar. 9, 2018. My 10 yr. old grandson took my arm and said, "Grandma, it will be tough, but we will get through this, - - TOGETHER" and he is right......I have received such comfort from you my PSP family and are so blessed to have you all for friends, . Joyce
So sorry to to hear about your husband. I am glad you have such caring grandson and family. Death takes part of us but I agree you are meant to accept invites and find something you enjoy. Perhaps helping others,etc. I am down here in eastern Nebraska and it was warm too. Hugs, Nancy