I'm normally just a reader of the forum as it's invaluable for advising my hubby & his family who care for my father-in-law. My father-in-law is pretty much at the end-stage of PSP although he was mis-diagnosed with Parkinson's for some years. He is currently in hospital following yet another fall. He has an infection but the docs can't determine what it is. They have ruled out UTI and pneumonia but he has re-curring high temps and other infection symptoms. The docs say tests are coming up blank. Has anyone else experienced this - is it normal for PSP?
Also, since the last fall (no bones broken, just bruising) he's gone completely rigid and is stuck in the foetal position. He's still able to eat and drink a little. When the temp is down, he's can speak a little too but not much. Is it normal to be 'stuck' in the same position like this?
Thanks for reading and appreciate anyone who is able to comment.
Lucy x